Fried mushroom and Chai

After reading so many documents, at least I have a picture of how the economy develops in Harvard castle and the obstruction they faced for further growth. I look at the window in my room. The sun still shines brightly in the west side, probably it's around 4 pm in my world. I watch Carina sleeping face, she looks sleep peacefully in my lap. With careful handling, I put her head on the couch without making her wake up. I walk to my bed and watch Clara and Claire sleeping face. Like Carina, they also sleep peacefully with a smile on their lips. But I'm not going to join them in bed, I just want to take my backpack from under the bed. I check my backpack content. It's still the same as what I bring from my home. My cell phone also found in my backpack, although I don't know if that phone will work or not in this world since I see no signal sign on the screen. The mushrooms that I've been collected in the mountain also there.

Without wasting time, I take some spices from my backpack and the mushrooms. After putting my backpack back under the bed, I bring the spices and mushroom to the castle kitchen. There are no many workers there since it's not dinner time and lunch already long past. In the kitchen, I'm greeted by head maids that responsible for kitchen Mrs. Martina. She's a chubby woman around 35 years old which look suitable to handle the kitchen.

"Young master Henry, it's rare to see young master here. What can I do to help you?"

"I want to borrow the kitchen for a while"

"Young master want to cook? Please don't dirty your hand with kitchen works. Just order what kind of food that young master want and we'll make it for young master"

"No, I'm not cooking for myself. I want to cook for my sister"

Mrs. Martina silenced. Everyone in castle knows how much I love my sister, so she can't refute my words.

"Did young master need help? I will call some cook to help young master"

"No need, I can make it myself. But I need some ingredients, can you get it for me?"

"Of course, what young master need?"

"I need some eggs, some wheat flours, clear water, some basin, some cooking oil, fry pan, some milk, and a pot of tea"

"I'll get that all in a minute"

Without long, all ingredients that I ask already collected in kitchen, now it's time to cook.

"I'll be fine but can you make no one enter the kitchen when I'm here?"

"Sure, myself will guard the door for young master"

"Thank you, Mrs. Martina"

Then I start to use my cooking skill. First I wash the mushroom with water then cut it in small dice pieces. Then I start to mix wheat flours with some water in a basin and stir it until becoming the half-thick solution and pour half of the solution into another basin. I pour some salt into both basin and some chili powder into one basin. After that, I put diced mushroom into the basin, each basin half portion. After that, I stir the solution with mushroom until both of solution and mushroom become one. I do the same process for another basin. After all finished, I'm put the frying pan over the fire and pour some cooking oil. I wait until the oil was hot enough before putting the mushroom smeared with wheat dough into the frying pan. I fried the mushroom until the color become golden brownish. I do this repeatedly until all of the mushrooms has been fried. I put the mushroom in plates in four trays, the two trays will send to my room and the other will send to my sister. All left now just some dirty basin that I used to mix the wheat flours.

After that, I put the tea in the teapot into a pan and put it on fire. After that I pour the milk into the tea, after that, I put spices that I took from my backpack, anise, ginger, and cinnamon and sugar. I boil all that ingredient for some minutes before pulling the pan from fire. I guess you already know what I make, yeah if you guess Chai tea, you're right. I put the chai back into teapot carefully for not making the ingredient also poured into the teapot. I take a tray and put the teapot with 2 cups on it

After put lids on the tray, I open the kitchen door and call Mrs. Martina. The whole process is not taking a long time, only about 30-45 minutes. So I don't have to keep her waiting for long.

"Mrs. Martina, I'm done with the kitchen. Can you get some maids to bring this tray?"

"No problem young master"

Mrs. Martina calls five maids to help me carrying the tray. After arriving in my room I told them to wait outside before taking 2 trays with mushroom from them and carry that tray inside. I can't let them in because my maids still sleep there. What will people say if they found them sleeping in their master room?

After taking 2 trays and left them on my table, I allowed the maids who carry it to return. I take 3 maids that still carry the trays to follow me to my sister room. When I arrive at my sister room, I knock on the door first to check if she sleeps or awake.

"Who is it?" a voice comes from inside, my sister didn't sleep.

"It's me, Henry"

The door opened and my sister shows up.

"Henry? Aren't you just seeing me in the morning? What's up?"

"Can't I see my beloved sister many times? I just want to ask you to drink tea with me together"

She chuckled hearing my answer, but she's not angry with that

"Alright, I see you already bring your teapot here, how can I send you back? Please come in"

I told the maids to come inside and put the trays on the table. After that I dismiss them to have privacy with my sister.

"This morning I came here empty handed, now I bring something that you may like it"

"Oh Henry, you don't have to do that. I see you healthy is enough"

"No, how can I'm the only one that healthy while my sister condition is like this"

"Henry…." I see her eyes start to teary.

"C'mon sister, let me pour you some tea. This tea is me personally made only for you"

I pour the tea into the cup. The smell of Chai immediately fill the rooms. After I pour the tea into the cup, I take one and handed to my sister,

"Please sister, have a try"

"Henry, is this tea? The smell is so good"

"Please try a sip first, be careful, it may be still hot"

My sister obeys my words and takes a sip of the tea then gulp it. She closes her eyes like trying to understand the taste.

"How is it, sister?"

She didn't answer instead take another sip, and another sip again until the cup empty. After the cup was empty, she's able to answer my question.

"Henry! What is this, this not a tea that I usually drink. Do you really make it your own?"

I just smile and nodded while pouring her another round. The second round also vanishes within minutes.

"Henry, your tea is so good. I feel something seeped into my brain and my body feel warm and energetic"

"You should also try this snack too sister"

I open the lid on the mushroom tray, the aroma of crispily fried mushroom filled the room

"What is this Henry?"

"Why don't you try it a bite sister?"

My sister takes a piece of fried mushroom and put it in her mouth. she chews it slowly while trying the taste. It's not taking long before she swallows it and takes another piece and another piece after that. I smile when seeing this, my sister definitely like it.

"There's still another one with different taste, sister"

I open the other lid on the tray, its mushroom with chili flavor. I'm not put much chili powder, only a bit to give warm sensation on the tongue.

My sister tries the second tray dish. After one bite she also takes another piece into her mouth.

"Henry, all that you bring here is taste good. What is this snack?"

"You like it, sister?"

"I like it very much. It's taste so crispy outside and the inside is soft like the oyster, but it's not oyster. What is that Henry?"

"You will not believe me if I tell you what is that"

"What is that? Don't tease your sister like this" she pouting her mouth.

I'm chuckled when see she pouting her mouth, although she older than me but she still has an attitude like kids.

"It's mushroom sister"

"Mushroom? Isn't that poisonous?"

"Some mushroom indeed poisonous, but some of them also edible, look I eat this too"

I took some mushroom and eat it. I don't want my sister suspecting me poisoning her.

"Sister, you can also it this with porridge or mashed potato, the taste will not be gone"

"Um, I will try that at dinner"

"I leave these here, I already have some in my room. If sister like it, I will make again tomorrow"

"Really? I would love Henry. Please make me some more tomorrow okay?"

"Well it's almost dark, I'll excuse myself here. Please enjoy the tea and mushroom sister"

I stand up to leave the room. My sister also stands up, but then she approaching me and hug me.

"Thank you Henry" she whispers it in my ears

I hug her back and whisper in her ears while patting her back

"You welcome sis. I just want you healthy and happy as well"

My sister release her hug and see me in her eyes for a while,

"I never thought my brother already grow up into such fine young man. Any woman who marries you will be lucky to have you as her husband"

I just smile wryly without know what to say. My sister who see that only giggling

"But you also still have those innocent smile like kids too. Alright you can leave now"

After saying goodbye I leave my sister room and back to my own room. I see my girls still sleep in there.