Uncle Jason

After the lunch already prepared on the table, we sit and ready to eat. Clara suddenly remembers something.

"Carina, what you want to say when you enter the room?"

"Sister Clara, you will know when you open the lid," Carina says that while giggling

"Henry, can I open the lid now?" Clara seems curious about the lunch menu today

"Sure, why not" I smile because already have a guess about what happened.

Clara opens the tray lid and a plate full of Frikadels appears in front of her.

"What is this? I've never seen something like this. The smell is good, make me want to eat it right now"

"That's what brother Henry make in the kitchen. The kitchen crews all praise brother Henry for this dish, they say this food will be our Harvard castle pride"

"That good? Henry, can we eat now?" Clara already drool see this Frikadel

"What we waiting for, just eat girls"

With my approval, they start to gobble the food, and not need a long time before all the food in the table moved into our bellies.

"It's really delicious, no wonder kitchen crews make a fuss about this" (Clara)

"I think today is full with surprise from brother Henry" (Claire)

"I hope tomorrow also full with surprise" (Carina)

"Sorry Carina, tomorrow I'm going out for mission"

"Argh, right. I forget that" Carina look dejected knowing that, also Clara and Claire.

"Hey, it's only a couple days, not a couple years, girls. Now excuse me, I have an appointment with uncle Jason"

So I leave the room to meet my uncle Jason. I wonder what he looks like, but since he's my mother's brother, I must polite with him.

I arrive at my father study and knocking at the door, from inside I can hear people talking.

"Come in Henry" my father voice come from behind the door

I open the door and see my father with a man in his study room. The man body is burly and muscled, look like a strong man.

"There he is, our today star," my father said that to the man with a laugh, the man also laugh with him.

"Come closer, Henry, this your uncle Jason. You've never seen him for a long time. Do you miss him?"

I come closer and greet the man

"Hello uncle Jason, long time does not see you. You look healthy"

"Henry my nephew. You already grow into such good young man"

Uncle Jason grab my hand and shake it like pumping the water from well.

"Hahaha, of course, he does. He's my son"

My father didn't forget to boast his son at his brother-in-law.

"Uncle, when did you arrive?"

"I arrive here before noon and spend some time talking with your father about your plan. Henry, if you need any help, just say that to your uncle"

"I will not polite then uncle"

"Hahaha, you're a competent young man, of course, I will help you. If you only a waste, even you're my nephew, I don't even take a glance if you ask me to help you"

I smile wryly hearing that

"Uncle, you do not see me for a long time, how do you know I'm competent or not?"

"I see you take care of your sister in the garden, since that I know you're a competent man. If a man can't take care of his family, how he's going to taking care of other people"

"Do you see me with sister in the garden?"

"Of course, where else I know you care about your sister?"

"She sends her regards to you, uncle Jason"

Ah right, there's a window in my father's study room that can use to see the garden from here. Maybe my uncle and father watching what I'm doing with my sister from there.

"Also these things make me confident to you Henry",

My father opens a lid on the table. Inside the lid, there's some Frikadel that sent to my father for lunch.

"The maid that sends lunch said you're the one who told the recipe, right? How you do that Henry? You hardly go to the kitchen before"

I nodded, before answer his question.

"I also don't know how, father, but after my head getting hit hard, somehow I can thinking and see something different and clearer than before. This Frikadel for example, I only combined the mashed potato and minced meats that used to make sausage together. Mix them together, add some spices and then soak it in egg before frying this, and you see something new emerges although it's come from something ordinary and common"

"Ah, that really explains why you become smarter lately, but it's a dangerous way to get smarter with getting hard hit on the head, Hahahahaha. Do you want to use this at the banquet later?"

"No father, this is just an appetizer, I shall bring something that more delicious than this"

"This is only for an appetizer? Hahahaha…I can't wait until the banquet come"

My father laughs heartily hearing that. Of course, originally in my world, it's only considered a snack. Moreover, I haven't make mayonnaise sauce to accompany eating the Frikadel.

"Ah right, since you here, go ahead discuss with your uncle about tomorrow trip. Tell him the details of how you want this trip going. He'll be your right hand in this mission. The things that you ask also will ready tomorrow"

So I tell my uncle Jason about my plan tomorrow. My father's also listening but never interrupting my speech. Uncle Jason's sometimes asking thing that he needs to know deeper. After agreeing about the party member, route, provision, logistic, transportation, etc. Finally I able to finish my preparation with uncle Jason after two hours of talking. I bid goodbye to my father and Uncle Jason to leave my father study room. Uncle Jason also leaves the castle after I leaving, to prepare men and things that needed for tomorrow trips with an appointment to start the journey tomorrow morning at 9 a.m.