A Thousand Years

I return to my room after spending the afternoon with my sister. Although I want to see how the effect of my homemade shampoo on my sister's hair, but tomorrow I have to leave the castle. I still have one more thing to do with my girls, which is making them learn the song that I intended to show during the banquet. But I still thinking about how to make them listen to the song on my phone without know the phone or see the phone. Well, I still have some time to think about that.

When I'm entering the room, there's no one there. Lucky, finally I have time on my own. I sit in front my desk, take one piece of paper from the drawer, ink bottle and the quill. Then start writing the song lyric that I want to perform at the banquet. I already have one song in my mind, it's a song that simple but nice to hear, and popular in my previous world. Carefully, I start to write the lyric on the paper. I must be careful because of paper also expensive good in this world.


Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

But watching you stand alone

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died every day, waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you

for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath, every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day, waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you

for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed, I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you

for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more


Yeah, it's a soundtrack song from a famous movie twilight sung by Christina Perry. Although the music looks simple, its popularity also like the movie itself. It also has many cover versions on YouTube, played in various musical instruments, which I downloaded in my phone.

A knock on the door is distracting my thought about the song. Clara's entering my room carrying the chandelier in her hand for my room lighting.

"Henry? You're back?"

"Yes, Clara"

"Are you writing something?"

"Hu um"

"Can I take a look?"

She approaching me after put the chandelier on the table. There's curiosity look in her eyes.

"Sure, why not?"

I handed her the paper in my hand. She accepts it and read it slowly

"Henry, this is poems?" she asking it after takes a glance and continue to read after asking

"Actually, that's a song"

She speaks nothing afterward, but after finish reading that, two crystal tears start flowing from the corner of her eyes. I'm surprised seeing that, I rise from my seat and give her a gentle hug from behind while whispering in her ears

"Clara….what's wrong?"

"This song…..it's beautiful"

"If it's just beautiful, you wouldn't shed a tear right?"

"It's also….speaking of my feeling"

I take a deep breath. Yes, I know what her feeling about me. She may already love me for a long time and wait for me answering her love.

I take back the paper from her hand and after putting it down on the table, I hug back Clara while whispering in her ears,

"Wait for me Clara, one day I will marry you as my wife"


Except calling my name, she didn't speak anymore and just buried her face in my chest. From the wetness, in my chest, I know she silently crying. I'm not saying anything just hug her gently while rubbing her hairs. After a few minutes she finally lifts her face from my chest, her eyes still a bit reddish, she makes a brilliant smile that she never shows in front of me before.


"You don't have to say it, I know"

"But I want to say it….Henry… I love you"

"I love you too Clara"

We looking at each other with a smile on our lips, without we realize, our face already become close and our lips met each other in a gently passionate kiss. After our lips parting, I guide her to sit on the couch


"Yes, Henry?"

"No one can play better music except the one who understands the means within the music. After dinner, return to my room, I'll show you the music of this song and I hope you can play it during the banquet later"

"Okay, but how this song is sung? Can you show me the intonation henry?"

"You want me to sing it to you?"

She nodded with enthusiastic eyes. Oh well, at least I ever sing the song couple times in karaoke with my friends. Although I'm not a professional singer at least I'm not deaf tone.

"Alright, I will sing for you, listen carefully okay"

Clara nodded deeply like a woodpecker. She seems can't wait to listen to me singing. After taking a deep breath I start to sing



"I'll love you for a thousand more"

Oh, this Henry's vocal cords is not bad, he even can reach tone that I can't reach in my previous life. His spelling also good, well Japanese like me is hard to spell the letter L, you know.

Clara watching me singing with admiration eyes, and when I'm finished singing, she claps her hands loudly

"Henry! Your singing is great! That's wonderful"

"Really? But this song is better singing by a girl"

"Um. I also think that, but your singing is also good. What is this song title?"

"A Thousand Years"