Listen to the music

After they leave my room, I prepared what I want to show Clara and Claire in my pocket. Phone and the earphone already prepared. The song which I will play also already selects. All I have to do now is waiting for Clara and Claire comes to my room.

One hour later after they leave my room, there's a knocking on my door. Clara and Claire are entering my room already wearing their pajamas. This time Clara wearing light blue pajamas while Claire wearing the light green ones.

"Henry, are you waiting long?"

"Sorry, Carina is too excited until she hard to sleep"

"It's alright girls. Now take a seat before me explaining the music I want you to play later.

They hear my words and take a seat in front of me.

"Listen to me carefully, I will explain why this is necessary. First, this banquet is to give respect for Earl Stamford visit to our castle. He's noble from a higher rank than my father, my future father in law, and will be the backer for our castle. That's why I'm personally asking this banquet to be under my responsibility, and I want it to be a success. I believe you understand how important this banquet is?

They both nodded

"I don't' ask much from you, only to perform musical entertainment during the banquet, all odds job can be done by other maids, but this task only you can perform. Maybe you wondering why don't we hire a musical band from outside to perform here. The answer is, we are in short of funds. Second, I want to show that in Harvard castle, even the maid can have a talent with them. So I hope you all can perform at your best and make the audience amazed at your play. Show them that women that I'll marry are not an ordinary woman"

"Henry…you're thinking about us too?"

"Of course I'm thinking about the women I love. I want them can walk proudly beside me"

"Henry..." they both stare at me with teary eyes. It seems what I'm said to touch the deep part of their heart. I grab both their hand to assure them that I'm serious with what I'm saying.

"I'm sure you two will not disappoint me right?"

"Yes!" they both said that with a firm tone.

"Now I will play the music that you should play, but before I play that for you I need to ask you something. Do you mind if I put blindfold to you? I want you totally focus on listening and not distracting to me. What you say?"

"No, Henry. We don't mind. Please put that blindfold on us. I trust you with everything you prepared for us"

"Thanks, I will play the music several times. Try not saying anything until all over. You don't have to answer any words that I said. Just imprint the music tone to your mind, and recreate that music with your musical skill. Will you obey me?"


So I stand behind them and put the blindfold on their eyes. After I'm sure they can't see anything, I put the earphone on their ears. They have to share the earphone because I only have one, but I guess that enough. After all were ready, I push the play button on my phone and the music started to play in their ears.

At first, they're startled with the sound in their ears, but they obey me and didn't utter a sound and just try to focus on the music. The first song I played is a cover made by Juan Maya and Paula Santana, which using piano and violin together. After playing the song for five times, I change to other cover made by Alison violinist. On this cover, I urge Claire to pay more attention, because the violin is dominant in this song. After playing five times, I change into other cover made by the piano guy, this time it's Clara time to pay more attention to the music. I also play this cover five times.

Finally, after one hour, I finish show them the song I want to play at the banquet. I put the earphone off from their ears and hide the phone in my pocket before open their blindfold.

"Okay girls, that's it. I will remove your blindfold from your eyes"

But after I removed the blindfold and sit in front of them, I was surprised. They like in dazed status and their eyes were reddish.

"Girls?...what happens? Did I tied the blindfold too tight?"

After hearing my question they like awaken from their daydreaming.

"Aahh…it's over already?" they say almost the same thing. Did they still want to hear for more?

"Yes, that's enough. If I return from the trip later and still have time, you can listen to it again"

"Henry…that music is amazing, I don't realize I shed a tear when hearing that"

"Yes, Henry, although the music is same, it can be played in three different ways. It's amazing"

"Hmmm… glad to hear that you like it. I believe you have imprinted the music in your mind right?"


'Okay, I still have a long journey tomorrow and also need rest. You want to return to your room or sleep here?"

"Here!" they said in unison and cheerful tone.

"Alright, help yourself, you know where the bed is, right?"

They're giggling hearing my jokes. I go to the separator to put my top clothes off. Since I hide the phone there, if they stripping me again like last night and found it there, that will be troublesome. I left the separator with only wearing pants. But when I arrive at the bed, I only can shake my head because they already strip naked with their pajamas scattered on the floor.

"Girls, sorry but no sex tonight, okay? Or do you want me falls again from the horse because exhausted?"

"Sorry Henry, we didn't mean it, but can we hug you?" they said timidly with guilty feeling on their eyes

"If only hug, it's okay girls"

I'm just finishing my words when they grab my hands and drag me to the bed and immediately occupy each of my sides. Their legs lock my calf and thigh between their legs and use my arms like Dutch pillow. Before they close their eyes they even give me goodnight kisses.

"Good night Henry...*smooch"

"Good night Henry...*smooch"

Oh, at least they do not push their selfishness to me tonight and I can reserve my strength for tomorrow journey. I also close my eyes and try to sleep.