The music room

"Okay girls, are you rest enough now? I don't have much time left. If possible I want to see you play the music before I leave the castle"

Hearing the words 'playing music' seems to give them new energy. They immediately step down from the bed and put their pajamas on. After they finish dressing, they grab my hand and ask me to take bath together

"Henry, let's bathing together to save time"

"Yeah Henry, it's better than waiting for each other finish bathing alone"

"Alright alright, but only for bath, nothing else"

"Okay, okay"

So three of us go to the bathroom and have a bath together. Although they do wash my back but mostly what they do is rubbing my junior. When I'm protesting this to them, guess what they say,

"It's our reward for having worked hard this morning" while giggling and smiling mischievously. Where's that 'okay okay' that they said before huh?

Fortunately, my junior is still resting after work hard this morning. I can't imagine what kind of harassment they will do to my junior if it becomes energetic again. Thankfully, the bathing only takes 15 minutes only since we doing it in hurry. After finish bathing, I ask Claire to take something to eat in the kitchen. I don't want to go out with an empty stomach.

I just finished putting on my clothes in my room when Claire comes in and delivering the breakfast. The breakfast menu is porridge and frikadel. When I asked Claire why they already make frikadel in the morning, she said the kitchen prepared that for our provision during the trip. Oh how thoughtful they are, next time I will visit the kitchen and teach them a new recipe again.

We finish the breakfast around 7 a.m. it's still two hours before I leaving the castle. I ask Clara and Claire to go to the music room with me. Frankly speaking, if I'm not occupied with those girls, I already check every room in this castle, but it's alright because I also enjoy my time with them. We arrive at a large room with a large door in the middle section of the castle. Clara opens the door and pleases me to enter the room. When I enter the room I almost disbelief with what I saw there.

I the middle of the room stand elegantly a piano…no with its size this must be a grand piano. It's unbelievable that in this small castle, there is a grand piano like this. Seeing my dazing state, Clara explain it to me

"This piano is late Madam's treasure. When she still alive, she playing it with your highness to entertain the castle children. But since she passed away, there no one dares to play it anymore. I also learn how to play from the late Madam"

I scrutinize the room, besides the grand piano, I also see some musical instrument and some boxes that maybe contain a music instrument. Clara continuing her story,

"The late madam also can play other musical instruments. She's really talented in music, many of children in this castle often taught by her how to play a musical instrument. Too bad our new Madam didn't have a bit talent in music like the late Madam, so nobody in this castle plays this music instrument anymore"

"So, it's like that"

I nodded hearing Clara explanation. I walk to check another music instruments in the room. There's trumpet, violin, cymbal, drum, and some inside the boxes that I haven't open. The drum and trumpet may be used during the war to give command and courage since there's no war lately, those instruments were kept here. I start to open a big box in the room. I whistling full admiration seeing the content of the box is a guitar. Although cooking is my forte, I can play guitar too for leisure time since my little sister also likes singing the anime song she watches on TV.

I take the guitar from its box and try the sound, with a little adjustment the tune is fine. Well, that's for me with this amateur guitar playing skill.

"Clara, what you waiting for, take a seat, open the piano cover and let's play"

Clara takes a stool and sits in front of the piano. Claire who see me taking the guitar, look a bit hesitate before speaking

"Henry…that guitar…"

"Yes, Claire?"

"That's your highness favorite which he uses only when playing with late Madam"

After saying that, I can see a bit trace of sadness in her eyes. What she sad for? After thinking a while finally I understand, I'm playing my father guitar and Clara playing my late mother piano, which recreates the image of 'legendary loving couple' which describe love relation between my father and late mother and that maybe make her somehow put aside.

"Claire, my father playing this with the woman he loves, my late mother. And now I'm playing this guitar also with the women I love, you and Clara. What do you waiting for? Pick the violin and play together"

After hearing what I' said the trace of sadness vanishes from Claire eyes and her smile blooming.

"Okay, right away"

Claire takes a violin from its box and stands beside the grand piano to play with us.

"Okay girls, show me what my late mother have taught to you"

They start to play the instrument in their hands. At first, their fingers seem a bit stiff, maybe because long time never plays the instrument. But several minutes later, finally they already blended with the tune and start playing the instrument smoothly. Since I'm not taking part in the show, I only play some part that I know most how to play. Although haven't perfectly played but in my ears, their play is passable. With more practices, I believe they can master the song better.

After playing for 30 minutes, I stop the training because I have to prepare for my departure.

"Clara, Claire, keep practicing while I'm away okay. You already play well so far just need some practice to make it better. Don't forget to take Carina too so she can sing harmoniously with the music. And if my sister wants to hear your plays, it's okay, you can bring her to watch"

"Yes, Henry, we will not disappoint you"

After putting the music instrument back in their boxes, we're leaving the music room.