Online Shopping System

After supervising the clearing area, I go to carpenter site to ask more molding boxes to make soap again, this time I ask for a bigger box to make a bigger soap later. It's more efficient to make a big one and cut it into smaller pieces rather than make many small ones. While waiting my boxes done, I'm thinking about my agenda today, making soap again, taking sapping liquid in the forest, collecting seaweed and look for another pearl oyster, checking the salt from the cooking pot. The latter is the most important thing so I can't go far away from the camp. Oh well, then I should take a break and planning for the banquet in the castle then.

So after my box is done, I bring them to my tent after say thanks to the carpenter. After putting the boxes in the tent, I check the lye barrel. Put another batch of ashes and additional water into it to make sure I have enough lye to make the soap. I also check the dried seaweed near my tent, change their position to make then dried evenly. And after doing all of that, practically I'm free with nothing to do.

So I back and enter my tent, close the door, and lay on the bed and take out my cell phone from my pocket. It's still no signal like before, so I don't bother to check the message or mail. I'm checking the recipes that I already downloaded before to find some dishes that can be used in the banquet. It would be better if I can also make some cakes for the banquet, too bad there are no cheese or butter in this place. Butter can be made but there's nothing can be used as the cooling agent. This somehow makes me feel dejected, I know how to make it but don't have mean to make it. I wish I can order the butter and cheese from my world and deliver it here.

I open the browser in my phone to see if I can look at saved pages there. But after I open the browser, there's something make me dumbfounded there. The online shopping site still can be accessed! What the hell, is this serious? Wait, I must calm down first, even if I can order the goods from there, how they will deliver here? How I'm supposed to pay the goods that I'd buy from there? I don't have a credit card with me to pay anyway. Can they accept the silver coin as payment? I guess not. So, I calmed myself over this unexpected thing that I just found and slowly examine the online shopping site further.

Since I have an account for that online shopping site when I'm still live in Japan (If I'm too lazy to buy something in the market, I have it delivered through this site hahaha) for my own convenience. I check my status and found that I'm currently having 20,000 credits. Huh? Where's this credit come from? Can it be used to buy something here? So, I'm checking the goods that sold in this online shop. I found the goods sell here is unusual, no brands mentioned and all in one size, either one kilo for solid goods or one liter for liquids goods. And the type of goods also not much, I only see goods that related with food or daily groceries like sugar, salt, flour, butter, sausage, toothpick, spoon, fork, sauces and even there's sanitary napkin sold here in big packages. What the heck! What is that thing use for me? I'm screening the shop for more goods and found there are no goods like electronics, house appliances or computers thing there.

Well, I can't be too demanding here, so now I look at how much the price of these goods in here. Oh, it's interesting pricing they have here, all items sold at 100 credits, which mean with 20,000 credits that I currently have, I can buy about 200 items or 200 kilos of goods. Enough with this looking! It's time to shop! Since I'm thinking about having butter and cheese, let's buy that item first for a try! if this system work, i will not worry about lacking ingredients anymore.

I try to buy the butter first. I add one-kilo butter in my shopping cart and push buy then waiting for what happened next. It's only a text that comes up after I push the buy button, 'ITEM DELIVERED'.

I'm waiting one minute… two minutes…five minutes…

Nothing comes up like what I'm expecting. I thought the system would like when I'm retrieving an item from my identification stone, it would appear from thin air and drop in front of me. But this time…..

What the f*ck! Am I being scammed here? I check my status and found that my credits already reduced 100 points and become 19,900 points. BUT WHERE'S MY STUFF??? I just want to cry without tears. My expectation to get salt without working hard like this by buying from this online shop is shattered into pieces. If I'm not still having other things to do with this phone I already smash it to the ground.

I'm trying to calm down myself after this disappointing transaction. Let's try another shot to confirm this. So I order 1 kilos of cheese this time and add it to my shopping cart. After that push the 'buy' button, item delivered message come up and waiting for what will happen next.

I'm waiting one minute… two minutes…five minutes…ten minutes

This time I'm waiting a little longer and nothing happens. My credit also reduced to 19,800 and still I got nothing. It seems I've been played with this online shop site. Furiously I turn off my cell phone and put it back in the pocket. It seems what I want should be made by my own hand then. But still, I have to vent this anger in my chest, so I shout loudly,