A Damsel In Distress

I rode my horse in moderate speed in the forest. I have learned from previous Henry to be careful during riding the horse, especially in the forest, I don't know what can suddenly show up in front of me and my horse. I'm riding the horse by following the track that left by the carriage in the first time we arrive at this forest. By following that track I'm sure I will not get lost in this forest.

After one hour riding the horse, finally, I'm reaching the edge of the forest. I take a break and take a deep breath after arriving in this place. Outside this forest, there's a green meadow spread in front of my eyes. So far, my journey is smooth without any danger approaching me inside the forest. I give my horse a chance to grazing and rest while I take my rations from the bag and eat it. According to my memories, after this forest, I will get through a grassland and meet some village near the grassland.

While watching the meadows in front of me, I remember the grassland in Hokkaido where most farm in Japan located. I wonder if I can make this area into a farming area like in Hokkaido, with cows, horses, lamb, and sheep raised in here. If what I'm imagining can be realized here, I believe this area can be used to support the beach area and also can become the trading post between the beach area and the inland area. Not only that, if we can raise cows here, I can feel easy for the availability of milk and butter. Those ingredients are important for many foods in modern time, especially cakes and cookies.

After making up my mind about what I will do in this area in the future, I ride my horse again to continue my journey back to the castle. Not long after I ride my horse and already reaching the outskirt of the meadows and another forest, I hear a girl screaming from afar. I hurriedly pull my horse rein and change its course to the where the sound comes from.

What I see in that place is quite shocking, a pack of wolves having a feast on a flock of sheep. The shepherd of the flock of sheep is a girl around 14-15 years old, maybe on similar age with carina. She's screaming asking for help while trying to secure her sheep from the wolves. There are some sheep that already become the victim of the wolves.

Without wasting time anymore, I unsheathed my sword from its sheath and jump from the horse

"Girl! Hold my horse while I kill those wolves!"

After saying that I go to the nearest wolf that gnawing some chunk of sheep meat that they just killed. With a quick slash from my sword, the blades tore the wolf's neck before he ever has a chance to dodge my slash. Seeing a human killed their pack member, the wolves stopping their activities devouring sheep meat and start circling me. With the wolf that I just killed, I count there are eight wolves in that pack. One of them, the largest one, seems to be the leader of the pack. He takes a position a rather distance from me and watches his underling siege me.

When I'm preparing to receive any attack from the wolves, from the corner of my eyes, I see the shepherd girl is running away with her sheep flock and my horse.

"HEY!!! Where are you going???"

I'm shouting at her to make her stop, but she still running away with her sheep and my horse.


Did she run because she thinks I won't be able to take this wolf pack alone and look for help from somewhere else? She better do that because if she just runs because the wolves not targeting her sheep anymore, I will not forgive her.

This distraction makes me lower my guard and not realize a wolf already pouncing at me. Thanks to my reflexes, I manage to evade the wolf's fang but his claw scratch my arm which not protected by leather armor. The wound is not deep but still make me bleeding and ruined my clothes. I gnashed my teeth because my carelessness makes me get a small injury on my arms. I no longer care with that shepherd girl and focus to kill all the wolves that circling me.

"Come on! Attack me!"

I shouting at the wolves while taking a stance and readied my sword for their attack. This time they did not attack me one by one, two of them attack me from the flank. Unfortunately for them, for me that already trained by master Durnham in the spirit realm, their attack is too slow in my eyes. In one second, I already launched two slashes at them while evading their attack. And when they landed, the sword slash on their neck opened and blood splattered everywhere. Now the wolves already reduced with only five wolves left.

The wolves seem scared after seeing their compatriot dead in a flash but they seem do not want to flee after seeing that. Instead, they start running slowly circling my position. I know the wolf is cunning and intelligent animals, which make me sure they must learn from the previous attack, that two wolves alone can't defeat me. This time I'm sure they will attack with more than two wolves at once, maybe they all will attack together. Realize that one sword maybe not enough to hold all of their attacks, I release the sword sheath from my waist and used it as another weapon in my left hand. Although only made from wood, but in some place, the sheath reinforced with some metal parts. If I use it as a batter, that would help me much.

Just as I predicted, they are looking for the time when I'm lowering my guards down. They start attacking from my blind spot which is my back but that's already in my calculation. They attack from the back followed by the flank and then by the frontal attack from my face. Human is better than the animal, even though those wolves are cunning but I smarter than them. To defeat an army you must defeat their general first, so when they start to attack I already made up my mind to kill their leader first. The biggest wolf in those packs is my aim. Using the sword sheath in my left hand to block the incoming attack, the sword in my right hand is looking for the opening in the wolf leader's body.


My sword managed to slice the wolf leader's body but it seems not deep enough. The wolf leader is howling in pain after my slash. Maybe he wants to order his pack to flee, but I won't let them run away because maybe later they will attack the nearby village again. Right after my attack landed on the wolf leader, I continued my attack on the other wolves that just failed their attack on me. And not take a long time, one by one the wolves die under my sword. Seeing his pack died with no one left, the wolf leader which already injured try to run away but I throw my sword at him to make him can't run anymore. The sword penetrates its neck and the big wolf fall on the ground with a sword buried on its neck.