Home sweet home

When I arrive at the castle kitchen, I see some people still in the kitchen. They are cleaning the utensil that used to cook and eat dinner, like plates, bowl, spoon, glasses, dishes, etc. and luckily, Mrs. Martina also there. It seems she supervising the cleaning work before closing the kitchen. She's observing and checking the result of her subordinates' works.

"Hello Mrs. Martina"

Hearing my voice, Mrs. Martina turn her back and she seems surprised when see me standing in the kitchen

"Young master Henry? I thought you were gone on the mission. When did you return, young master?"

"I just get back this night. And I bring something for you from the mission"

I take the salt jar and handed it to Mrs. Martina, she receives it with curious looks on her eyes

"Young master Henry, what is this?"

"Open it and take a look by yourself"

Mrs. Martina opens the jar's lid and looks at the content. At first, she looks surprised and doubting with she saw inside the jar, but after taking a taste of the content of the jar, the doubt looks in her eyes change into excitement

"Young master Henry, is this really salt?"

"You have tasted it yourself, right? Do you doubting your own tongue?"

"Haha… I just can't believe there's so much salt inside this jar"

"Didn't I say I will return it double when I make frikadel for the first time? Now I return it to you. From now on, you don't have to worry about salt anymore, Mrs. Martina. We will always have salt in sufficient amount to make delicious dishes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in this castle. Say goodbye for salt usage restriction"

"Young master Henry….is that mean, there will be more salt for us?

"Yes, it will come more in a few days later, and next week and next month too. So, can I expect a delicious breakfast tomorrow?"

"Of course, absolutely young master Henry! We will be prepared delicious breakfast tomorrow"

"Good! Ah, I almost forget. Please gather all castle cook tomorrow after breakfast. I need to teach them new dishes for the banquet to welcoming our honorable guest. I believe we already preparing ingredients for welcoming our honored guest?"

"After breakfast, young master Henry? Don't worry about the ingredient, young master. It's already ordered and purchased. The fresh ingredient will available on time "

"Ah, on the second thought, maybe couple hours after breakfast for precisely. I have something to discuss with my father tomorrow morning after breakfast"

"I understand, they will be waiting for young master patiently here. The Frikadel that young master Henry introduces already become hype at the castle recently. Your highness even ask to be served at least once in a day"

"Is that so? But tomorrow I only use some ingredients that already in here. After ingredient that I send from the beach arrived I teach other dishes again, since the ingredient amount is limited, it only will be served during the banquet"

"There are still other recipes young master? My God, that will cause the next hype in this castle"

"Hahaha….that's too exaggerating Mrs. Martina, if the amount of that ingredient is abundant, I wish all the people in this castle also taste it. Unfortunately, I only bring on the amount that only sufficient for the banquet"

"Is that ingredient really hard to obtain, young master?"

"Hmm could be said like that….it needs a long time before could be harvested, actually"

I'm talking about the bird nest that I acquire in the cave on the cliff at the beach before. Unless I found another cave with bird nest sources, I can't take all the birds nest there as I pleased. I need to separate the bird's saliva from the nest, and it needs time and energy. Why should I become the one who does that job while I can order people to do that? I only need to give them the example of how to do it and let them handle it. It's hundreds bird nest, you know?

"I wonder what kind of ingredient is that, young master"

"Be patient, you'll see it when it comes. That's all my purpose going here Mrs. Martina, I guess you all also tired and need to rest too"

"Yes, good night young master Henry"

"Good night Mrs. Martina"

After saying goodbye I left the kitchen and go to my own room. Finally, after several days sleep in a tent, I can sleep in my soft and comfy bed. I only stop for a moment on the bathroom to clean up a bit then continue going to my room. When I arrive in the front of my room, I frowned when seeing the light coming out from the crack between the door and floor.

"Is there someone in my room?"

It's supposed to be empty and unused when I go on the mission, but now there's light on my room, indicating there are people in my room.

Since I return without sending any notification before, I thought no one will welcome me in my room. It's already a few hours after dinner time and most people in the castle already sleep. Is that Clara or Claire in my room? Did Uncle Jake tell them that I already return to the castle and now they're preparing and cleaning my room? I try to open the door, but it seems locked from inside. I must use my own key from my pocket to open the door. When I enter the room after the door was opened, what I see inside make me speechless and shakes my head.