Miss you so much

After finish keeps my items to the place they should belong, I can a bit feeling ease. But the problem always exists, one finished another one is coming. It's now about the manpower that I need for the welcoming party. I want the people who involved in this welcoming party is well selected and not shame us in front of Earl Stamfort. During the banquet, I will sit with my father and other important figures, who will in charge in the backstage? Who will supervise the kitchen and the maids? More importantly, do we have enough manpower for that?

My head suddenly feels dizzy, this welcoming party is already like something that should do like an event organizer's works in modern time. They have certain people to handle the guests, the food and drink, the security, and the event planner. And this all now I must handle by myself, and I must admit that's not easy to do this alone. I wonder if there're people in the castle that trusted and capable enough to help me arranged this welcoming party. Clara and Claire are too dependent on me, they can't make the decision on their own for the emergency situation or in case that needs improvisation. They surely will come to me and ask for a solution if they face something like that.

My mind searching people I know since I arrive in this world. Mrs. Martina is already having her post in the kitchen. She efficient and thorough on her job, which makes her position is already determined. What kind of dish that will be made and served, I can depend on her to execute my order and arrangements. With Mrs. Martina on my side, there's no problem in the kitchen sector. I need a person that can handle the maids and the event during the welcoming party, something like a host or master of ceremony.

Another people crossed my mind, my sister! My sister Eliza, what if she has the talent for handle people? But before I arrive in this world, sister Eliza is rarely going out from her room. Can she handle people? Can she speak without hesitation or shyly in front of many people? Did she have the confidence to do such a job? If the old she, who sickly and unattractive, offered that job maybe she will refuse it. But, her appearance is getting better and her appeals start to emancipated, this event may be a good chance for her to leave her cocoon and spread her wings, shows her beauty like a butterfly. Yes! For her sake, I must trust her to take this position, I must convince her that she able to do this, I must make her confidence over herself as the old Henry wishes for her sister happiness. There's still time before Earl Stamford arrive here, I can prepare her to be ready at the time arrival.

After have decided things in my mind, finally, I can feel my eyes start feeling heavy. I pull the blanket to cover my body and start to sleep. Other things I can talk with my father, maybe he can give me a solution for that. And not for long, I already fall asleep on the couch.

I was awakening by warm lips that landed all over my face and sobbing sound. Slowly I open my eyes and see Clara and Claire already in left and right side of my body, hugging my body and kissing my face without pausing.

"Henry….you're so mean…huhuhu *Sob sob*…." (Clara)

"Why don't you wake us when you arrive…huhuhu *Sob sob*…(Claire)

They both kissing me while shed tears, I don't I must cry or laugh with this because their face really looks funny and amusing. I guess they're just waking up this morning, without wash their face first or comb their hairs, see me sleep on the couch then immediately doing like what I mention above.

"Hey hey…why you all crying when seeing me again? Aren't you supposed to be happy to see me again?"

"We are happy to see you again, Henry…but if you wake us up, we can feel this happiness faster"

"Haha…sorry, I see you both sleep so peacefully. I don't have the heart to wake you up"

I said that while kissing and hug them in my arms. Kiss and hug are effective ways to calm down women who in hysteria states like Clara and Claire right now. And after a while, they are finally calmed down and no longer crying. When Clara and Claire look at each other and see how awful they look, they hurriedly bury their faces in my chest and whining.

"Waaaa….Henry…you don't know how we feel when you not here"

"Hmmm….tell me then"

I ask them while caressing their hair. Their hairs feel smooth and soft in my hands, seems my sister has shared the shampoo formula with them. It feels much better than before.

"We feel so lonely when you have gone Henry, especially at night….night feel so cold without the warmth of your hug. We miss you very much, Henry"

I sighed, they must really love me very much. It's only a couple of days since I left but they already feel like that, meanwhile, in the future, I must go shuttle between caste and beach again. I can't take them with me if the settlement on the beach have not finished and there are other women there too. I can't imagine who the crews will look at Clara and Claire if I brought them to the beach. It must be like wolves see a sheep entering their pack, although I know my uncle's men are carefully selected, but how knows what will happen, right?

"Hey, I miss you two also, you know. But it's not that I don't want to take you with me going there. You must understand that only males live there. I don't want something bad to happen to you there, I will very sad if that happen. You also must understand that I will go out again in the future, so I hope you can learn to bear this feeling and get used when I'm not around. That because I love you all, I also miss you so much when I'm in there"