Proposal for my sister

I come to my sister room in East Wing of the castle. I knock on the door and waiting for the respond. I heard the sound of footsteps coming from inside the room. When the door is open, it's my sister who opens the door, she looks surprised but also happy when see it's me who standing in front of the door.

"Henry! You are back. When you return to the castle, Henry?"

"Last night sister, but I guess you already sleep at that time so I come to see you in the morning"

"I'm glad you return, safe and sound, Henry"

After saying that, my sister gives me a hug. I hug her back while patting her back.

"I'm also glad to see you, sister. You look much better than before"

I'm not telling lies, my sister indeed looks better when I previously met her. Her face no longer had sunken cheek, her eyes also glimmer with vitality, her skins no longer pale, and her body also seems to get more weight, no longer skinny like before, which make her charm as a woman start to immerse.

"Um, I think my appetite getting better lately, I eat more than before. I also go to the garden to get some sunlight"

"Hmm…I can see that…and this part also seems already start to full"

While saying that, I pat my sister buttock lightly, which make her a little bit jumpy

"Aw! Henry….you're a naughty boy! You dare to tease your sister now, huh?"

Although she saying that, she didn't look angry, only make a light pinching on my arms and laughing after that.

"Come in, don't just stand in there, Henry. I made something for you when you leaving. I hope you like it"

Sister Eliza pull me to enter her room. wow, she makes something for me? With a curious mind, I follow my sister entering her room.

"Take a seat Henry, I get your stuff"

I sit on the available chair in her room while my sister searches something on her drawer. She takes something from there and handed it to me.

"Here's Henry, for you"

I take it and take a look at that thing. It actually a pouch with beautiful decoration sewed on it. There's no wallet in this era, so this pouch is something like a thing to put your money in it, equal with wallet in the modern era. The ornament on the pouch is meticulously sewed in a colorful manner.

"Is this for me, Sis? Thank you"

"You like it?"

"I like it very much, it's so beautiful"

"Tee hee~ at least that is what I can make for you Henry"

"Ah right, I bring something for you, sister. I made it when at the beach"

I handed her the soap that I already prepared for her.

"What is this Henry?"

I repeat the explanation of the soap like what I told to Clara, Claire, Carina and my father before.

"Oh, that's really great. I will try it when I take a bath later"

"You can ask Clara or Claire how to use it, Sister…or you want me to show you how to use it personally when you take a bath?"

"Aahh…Henry! Don't tease your sister like that. We're not children anymore. We can't bath together like when we still little kids…besides, I already have fiancé"

I noticed my sister's face looks happy when she mentions about our childhood. She looks sweet when smiling and I just know that she had a dimple on her cheeks. But somehow she looks sad when she mentions about her fiancé. This is a good chance for me to measure how deep her feelings for her fiancé.

"Sis, you look not happy when you mention about your fiance…you don't like him?"

My sister didn't immediately answer, she looks at me in the eyes for several seconds before answering it

"The truths, Henry….I don't like him. He rude, impolite, narrow-minded, and cruel person. But what else I can do? I'm not a beautiful girl, also only a daughter of low-rank nobles, which nobles who want to take me as his wife? Not to mention that Roland come from higher rank nobles"

My heart feels aching when she said 'I'm not beautiful'…I take her hand to stand from her seat and drag her to the front of the mirror.

"Sister…looks at the mirror. That is your reflection in that mirror. Now try to smile, like when you smile when remembering our childhood. Please, do it for me?"

My sister nodded and closed her eyes, trying to remember our happy childhood. Slowly, a smile starts to appear in her lips.

"Good…now open your eyes slowly and see your reflection in the mirror, sis"

When my sister opens her eyes as I told her, I who standing behind her, whisper in her eyes.

"Look, sis, there's a girl with sweetest smiles in the world. That smile alone is like a sun give light on a dark night"

"Oh Henry…..since when you make such sweet words. You're not teasing your sister again, right?"

"Of course not, Sis. There's the evidence in front of you. That mirror is the best witness"

My sister turns her back and faces me, then give me a hug and lean her head on my chest while murmuring

"If Roland is as gentle as you, Henry…I will not regret to marry him although he's an ugly man"

"Sis, if you not happy with him, just breaks your engagement. Besides, your engagement is not complete yet, right? He hasn't given you anything as dowry, right?"

According to Henry's memory, there's custom for the male side to give dowry to the female side as completion for an engagement. As long as the engagement is not complete, the female side can accept other male proposal and/or break the previous engagement. My sister releases her hug from my body and us back to our seat again.

"But Henry…can we refuse the proposal from higher rank nobles?"

"We act according to the custom, and also I will talk to father about that. Sis, your happiness is my concern. I want you to marry a good man and have a happy life with him"

"Mmm…Actually, I already have a good man…too bad I can't marry him"

"Huh? Who is he, Sis? Is he someone I know? Why can't you marry him?"

"Because that man is you, Henry….hihihi"

I stare blankly at my sister…it's need some moment before I can understand that she teasing me

"Sis, you're joking, right?"

"Um, I was joking because your face looks so serious"

"Hahaha… you really got me there, Sis. Ah right, I have something else that I need to discuss with you"

"What is it, Henry?"

"I need your help"

"My help? For what? If I can help you, I will give you without you ask"

"You must already know that my fiancé and his father, Earl Stamfort will visit us, right?"

"Um..yes, and what about that?"

"I already ask father to let me handle the welcoming party. My problem is I'm lack someone that can help me handle the maids and servant and also hosting the welcoming party"

"And you want me to handle maids, servants and become the party host?"

"Yes! Only you that fit that position, Sis"

"But Henry….can I do that? I think I will get nervous if I should speaking in front of many people"

"Of course you can, Sis. I'll send Clara or Claire to assist you if you need an assistant"

"But I don't know what to do. I never do something like that before"

"Don't worry, Sis. I will not leave you alone. I'll make list about your job description later. Just say you will help me, please?"

"Okay…if you really need me, I must help my beloved brother, right?"

"Thanks, Sis….you really help me. Ouch! I almost forget…I need to the kitchen to prepare the menus for the welcoming party. I must leave now, Sis"

"Ah? So soon?"

"Yes, I'm really busy today, Sis. But you can see a new dish for lunch today"

"Really? Well, I will wait for that"

"Okay, see you later, Sis"

After saying goodbye, I leave my sister room and go to the next destination, the kitchen.

My sister, after close her room's door, is sighing and murmuring to herself.

"What I'm said before….I'm not joking, Henry. I can only envy the girl that will become your wife…to have such good man like you"