Teaching the cooks again

When I arrive in my own room, there's nobody there but the candle already lite up and placed where it should be. Since there's no one else except me, I can freely use my portable warehouse, the identification stone to retrieve my backpack from there. After the usual procedure, I get my backpack and take the kitchen set box from there while checking other things that kept in the backpack.

I'm surprised when seeing the mushroom that I pick in the mountain still in the fresh condition like when I just pick. Maybe this storage has a preservative effect? Like time suspending or zero air? I'm thinking to make an experiment with put a living animal for testing. If the test subject dies in there, proved that in the storage has no air to support living being. If the test subject alive….maybe I can keep a horse there for an emergency situation and use to flee.

Thinking about that, makes me realize that I haven't explored the potential of this identification stone thoroughly. Maybe there's still another function that I didn't aware. There's also the magic sword that stored there, the sheath is already dirty for being kept in that caves for hundred years. If I can clean it, that would be better but if I can't, that means I need to get another sheath for that sword. Since now I can use the watchtower freely, maybe later I can put some experiment there without any disturbance.

But that should be done later, right now I need to teach the cooks in the castle kitchen something and the experiment with this identification stone must be put on hold for now. After keeping the backpack to my portable warehouse, I go to the storage room to take some ingredients. The guards in front of the storage bow in respect when I arrive in the storage room. After meeting with storage officer that in charge to manage the storage room, he's accompanying me to the room where the fresh ingredients kept. From there I take some fruits and vegetables for my teaching purpose. There're new fresh ingredients that I don't see in the morning when I visit the storage room before.

"Is this new ingredients arrive this noon?"

I ask the officer in charge of storage.

"Yes, young master. Some fruits and fishes just delivered at noon because the fisherman starts working in the morning and return earliest at noon. Fruits also need to transport first before reach the castle from the production site. What available in the morning is the remain fruits from the night before"

"I see, thanks for the explanation"

This time I really wish this storage have refrigerator installed here. But that just wishful thinking of me, without electricity, it's impossible to install refrigerator here. All I have to do is thinking how to preserve the ingredients so it wouldn't wither or rotten quickly. After I get all the ingredients I need, I leave the storage room and heading to the castle kitchen.

I come to the kitchen after take some fruits and vegetables from the storage. The cooks in the kitchen who preparing the meal for dinner seems surprised when see I come to the kitchen again.

"Hello guys, have you already start to cook for dinner?"

"We just prepared the ingredient to cook, young master"

One of the cooks replied.

"Young master Henry, are you come to the kitchen to teach us new recipe again?"

They look at me with an enthusiastic stare on their eyes.

"I'm indeed wanted to teach you something, but not just a new recipe. And this is not something that can be mastered just by seeing only. This is something that needs artistic side and meticulous effort to do it and also many practices for perfection"

I open the knives box in my hand and show the knives inside the box to the cooks

"in the future, I hope each of the cooks here will have this kind of knives set like this. You see….there're many kinds of knife inside this box, and each knife has its own function"

When I come to the kitchen this morning, I noticed they use the same knife to do the cooking, either cut the meat or vegetables, they use the same knife. I take one of the knives inside the box and show it to the cooks. It's a big square knife with the thick back that used to processing meat.

"Like this knife for example. With this thick back, you don't have to take any other tools to beat the meat. You just turn the knife and use the back side to beat the meat"

Beating the meat is a process to make the meat tender and later will easier to chew when eaten. I take another kind of knife. It's has a long and slim blade with a triangle shape.

"This knife used to process fish, especially fishes with the large body like tuna"

"Tuna fish, young master?"

The cooks seem confused when I mention tuna. Oh, I get it since there's no sea fish ever arrive here, no cooks ever see tuna fish before.

"It's a fish which catch in the sea, offshore fish. It needs a fishing boat to go to the offshore and strong fishing rod or strong net to catch it. I understand you never see this kind of fish before, but we currently make a settlement near the beach, so in the future maybe you will able to see this kind of fish"

After that I explaining the function of others knife in the box until the last knife, a small knife that used to graving fruits and vegetables. I show this knife to the cooks

"I bet you never use this kind of knife, right?"

"Yes, young master. I don't even have an idea that knife will use for what"

One of the cooks replies to my question.

"I will show you how to use this knife, but first, let me teach you a new recipe called tempura. I see there're some fishes in the storage and in this kitchen too. Fish is the main ingredient for tempura although vegetables also can be made into vegetable tempura. Go to storage and take all fishes there, so, tonight main menu is fish"

"Yes, young master!"

Some cooks leave the kitchen and go to the storage to take the fish that I ordered to them.