[Side story] Carina Story (2)

I'm Carina Wellington. Currently, I'm working for young master Henry, the sole heirs of Harvard Castle. When my father and mother retired from their job as head butler and maid in the castle at my 10 years old age, I voluntarily ask my father to work in the castle. At first, my father didn't agree with me because I'm still too young and the job as a maid in the castle is not an easy one. But after pleading over and over again, and the last plead I made was happen in front of the castle lord when he visits my father, he laughs when seeing my stubbornness and intention to work in the castle

"Jake…you have a good daughter. Why don't you let her work at the castle? I let her be Henry's personal maid then if you agree"

"Ugh…if master said so, I can't refuse your request. Alright, Carina, you can work in the castle but remember your manner there. Remember what I told you about etiquette"

"Yes father, I remember your teaching and will do as you told me"

"Good, please be careful when working there Carina"

Since that day, I work in the castle as young master Henry's personal maid. Actually, there's a reason why I want to work in the castle. It no other than young master Henry, he's my reason I want to work in the castle. Young master Henry is like an older brother to me, we already know each other since I'm 5 years old and our relationship is close like real brother and sister. Those 5 years is a good time for me, young master Henry is a good and kind boy, he sometimes gives me strawberries that I like very much from his meal portion.

I was young master Henry third personal maid after sister Clara and Claire. I know sister Clara and Claire too since they also raise up and grow in the castle, just like me. Young master Henry is not a troublesome person, he never demands anything hard and unusual. Working as his personal maid more relaxing compared with common maids in the castle. Sweeping the floor, wash his clothes, tidying his room, bring him meal are our main duty as his personal maids.

I keep my job as Henry's personal maid for four years until now and never make any mistakes. But somehow, a different feeling start develops in my heart toward young master Henry. I'm no longer see him as an older brother but more like someone that I adore, admired, idolized and worshiped. He's become someone that I want to be at my side forever. Ugh! I don't know when this feeling start develops in my heart.

Although I have a different feeling toward young master Henry, the one I adore still treating me the same like before. He treats me like I'm his younger sister only, patting my head like a little child. Although I want to protest, but I'm not doing that because I also enjoy his hand patting my head. Maybe I only wish he does something else to me rather than just patting my head.

In my 14 years old age, I start to see young master Henry differently from before. Not like my older brother again like before but as someone who I would give my pledge and devotion to. After his return from a mission on the beach, he looks manlier with his tanned skin and somehow he looks more muscular than before. It adds his handsomeness to the point that I feel there's no one else as handsome as young master Henry in this world. But after his return from the beach, he always getting busy and spend less time with me, that makes me feel sad somehow. I only see him in a short time in the morning, during our breakfast, lunch and dinner time only. He's not in his room when I come to clean up his room with sister Clara and Claire. I know that young master Henry busy preparing the arrival of his fiancé and his future father in law in this castle, I just wish this will over soon and he can spend more time with me

The dinner that night is a special dinner for us, his personal maids, and especially for me. Despite his busy activities, young master Henry spares his time to make something incredible for us. Besides the new dish called tempura that he teaches to the cooks, he also made a dish from vegetables and fruits that carved into cute shape and figurine just for us. I don't know how he did it, but I can tell that it's something need meticulous work and artistic sense. He made from vegetable and fruit, flower and bird shape, arrange it in the plate like a small garden. It's the first time I see something beautiful like that made from food. What makes me happier is young master Henry still remembers my favorite fruit. He offers me to pick roses that made from strawberry, fruit that I like most since a child. Ugh! I want to cry from happiness when eating that strawberry. The taste is the same like before, but young master Henry's care to me is what made me want to cry.

Not take a long time to eat all vegetables and fruits in the plate. The taste still the same, but the shape is attracting us to eat them without hesitation. With the dinner that we just eat, the additional vegetables and fruits dish really make our belly full. When we're clean up the eating utensil, young master Henry is asking a silly question about the food, 'how the taste girls?' to us. Oh come on young master Henry, your dish always delicious, you don't have to ask such obvious question to us. But the answer from sister Clara and Claire really makes me shocked, after answer young master Henry's question they also kiss him in front of me. Not just a kiss in cheek or forehead, but kiss his lips!

I gawked looking how they kissing and my face feels hot. Within my heart suddenly I feel envy and jealousy toward sister Clara and Claire that able to kiss young master Henry in the lips. Young master Henry only kisses me in my cheek and forehead, that makes me envy to them, but I only can see they kissing with such feeling. Henry is the first one who realizes what happened to me, he scolded sister Clara and Claire from kissing him in front of me. But his next action proves that Henry is a fair and just person. Since sister Clara and Claire already get his kiss, he also will give me a kiss. With a smile that looks so nice in my eyes, he asks me if I want a kiss. I actually want to say 'Yes I would love to' but there's like a stone in my throat that makes my voice not comes out, I just nodded to say yes

Henry approaching me and lower his back to kiss me. From his position, it's likely he will kiss me in the forehead like usual. Suddenly my mouth blurted words that I even surprised it comes from my mouth. "In my lips, brother Henry…like sister Clara and Claire"

Ugh! I feel so stupid. What if he refuses it? What if he does not give me a kiss because of my outrages request? Even sister Clara and Claire also surprised by my request and want to prohibit that. But when I look in young master Henry's eyes, he seems not angry with my request. He just confirmed my request and asks if this my first kiss in the lips. I answer him frankly that this is my first kiss. There's no other man ever touch my lips before. The last thing he asks is whether if I will do this kiss with open eyes or closed eyes. I choose to close my eyes and let Henry take the lead. I can feel his warm hands touch my cheek and rub it gently, and his warm breath that getting closer to my face and finally a warm lip touch my lips.

When his lip touches mine, suddenly I feel waves like a surge exploding from my chest. It feels so warm and spread to my body. My mouth a bit opened to make a sound but there's no sound comes out eventually. A warm tongue from Henry's mouth touches my lips, tracing its line before entering my mouth. I feel surprised when his tongue enters my mouth and touch my own tongue. Without I realize, my mouth already releases a moan. So this is how grown-up people do the kiss? I can taste a bit of strawberry flavor comes from Henry's tongue, I remember the strawberry is the last thing he eats before we finish the dinner. Instinctively my tongue also reacted to accept his tongue in my mouth. my tongue moves like searching more strawberry flavor from his tongue.

I don't know how long we have been kissed, but when his tongue retracted from my mouth and his lips no longer touch my lips, I know that our kiss just end. I open my eyes and look at Henry. oh my, I can see his handsome face so close to me. I can't move my eyes from looking at him. When he asks if I'm satisfied with the kiss, I can't answer him. I just nodded and keep looking at him with my face feel hotter than before. Henry asks sister Clara and Claire to take the eating utensil to the kitchen without me. He said if kitchen people see me, they will think I have a fever. Well, he's right, I feel my face still hot because the kiss that we had just done.

I still stare Henry and just follow him when he holds my hand and takes me to sit on the couch. He pats my head and rubs my cheek like he used to be. Slowly I regain my consciousness and able to speak again and I do what I should do to him, thanks to him for the kiss. He only smiles and gives me a hug while caressing my hair. Ah! He treats me like a little girl again, but it's not I hate it, on contrary I like it very much. I lean my head on his chest and enjoy his care. When sister Clara and Claire return from kitchen, we must leave to the music room to show Henry our practice result. He holds my hand while walking there. No doubt this night is the best night of my life!