Will busy since morning

I also wake up from bed to start my activities, Clara's words are correct, the sooner I start my activities, I will have more time to relax or do something else. Clara and Claire put their upper garment on while I put my pant on and wash my face on the water basin.

"Wives, I maybe can't have breakfast together with you. I already promised my father to let him taste foods that I will serve during the banquet, and the time is now. Don't worry, you also can taste that food too. I will leave your portion in the kitchen when you take your breakfast"

"We understand husband…just do what you should do as usual"

"Maybe I also can't attend lunch together too but I promise we can have dinner together"

"Mmm…that's better than none at all, right Claire?"

"That's right sis"

"Oh husband, I will wash your dirty laundries…if you need your clothes to sew because ripped, just give me also. It will be ready tomorrow"

Clara takes the dirty clothes that piled in a basket near changing clothes partition. She folds the clothes one by one to make it look neat and easy to bring. When she took the shirt that I use when I return to the castle, she surprised seeing that shirt.

"Husband! What happened with this shirt? The sleeve is torn and there're some blood stains here. Oh, this will be hard to wash"

"Ah, that because I fight with wolves on the way home. My arms slightly injured because their claws and the sleeve also torn because of wolves' attack"


Clara and Claire exclaimed in shock together. They rush to me and take a look at my arms.

"Where do you hurt from that wolf's claws, husband?"

I show them the place in my arms that injured during my fight with wolves. It's almost healed and only leaves faint white marks on my arms. Thanks to quick treatment from Silver Grass village chief.

"Don't worry, it's only a scratch…minor injury and already healed"

"Why you don't tell us about that, husband?"

"I will…it's just my story hasn't reached there last night"

"You must tell us about the rest of your story tonight, husband"

"No problem, that's already on my mind"

"Just one question, husband…how many wolves you fight with?"

"Only eight wolves…it's a small pack of the wolf"


Clara and Claire exclaimed in awe. I still not aware that defeat 8 wolves is quite a feat at that time.

"Husband…how many people fight with you?"

Claire looks at me with sparkling eyes, she seems interested to hear this wolf extermination story.

"I will tell the detail tonight…it's not fun if I tell you right now"

"Oh right…it seems we should wait until tonight"

"Husband…can we cut the other sleeve and make it a short sleeve shirt?"

"No problem…as long as it can be wear again"

"Leave it to us, husband"

Clara and Claire continue their work fold the laundries, which makes me think 'next time after I change clothes, I should fold the dirty clothes and put it in basket neatly to make their job easier'. Not take a long time, all dirty laundries already stacked neatly in the basket. Clara takes the basket and prepares to leave the room.

"Husband…I'm going to wash your clothes. Let's go, Claire"

After saying that, with a wide stride, Clara leaves my room to wash the laundries. When Clara left my room, Claire also wants to follow Clara leaving my room but I hold her hand and ask her to wait for a minute.

"Claire, please wait…"

"Yes, Husband?"

"At noon, before lunch, meet me here"


"If Clara ask why you follow her late, tell her I told you how to eat the new dish for breakfast"

"You make a new dish again, husband?"

"Yes, it called hamburger and you don't need fork, spoon or knife to eat it. Just use your hands like when eating tacos. Don't forget to wash your hands first before eating"

"Mmm…I can't wait until breakfast time come"

"You can go now"

I let her go but spank her butt lightly before she left, Claire only giggling before closing the door and disappears from my sight. After Clara and Claire leave me alone in this room, I lock the door and take my phone from the pouch in the drawer. Yes, it's shopping time! And I already know what I should buy.

After I turn on the phone, I immediately go to the online shop and search for the saucer section to buy soy sauce. I need this soy sauce to make wakame salad from the seaweeds and other dishes later. After putting the soy sauce into the shopping cart, I also add yeast to make soft bread into the shopping cart. Confirm the buying option about the purchase of 1-liter soy sauce and 1-kilogram yeast, click 'yes' button, and waiting that melodious 'ding' sound means item delivered.

When the 'ding' sounds come out, I re-check my account and see my credit already reduced 200 credits. Somehow I feel sad because I only can use without adding more credit to my account. Well, the salt which I made haven't sold yet and my father hasn't given me any money again, so I have to accept whatever I had right now and use it wisely.