Making Hamburger

After the dough that finished being baked, taken out from the oven and send to me, I examine the result. The yield is ten soft pieces of bread that created using the dough that I give some yeast. Although still hot, I try to feel its texture with my hand, and the result is….not bad.

It's passable for the standard in my previous world but for this world, it's far better than the hard bread that usually made here. I put the remaining dough into baking plate after adding some sesame seed on the top of the dough and told the cooks to bake them again.

The reason why I only give the quality of this bread only passable maybe because I'm not making it from the start. I don't know the ratio between flour and water that the cooks used to make the dough and also I give the yeast by my own assumption, not by the right recipe for making bread. Next time I must give those cooks the best ratio between flour and water to make bread.

I'm calculating how this bread should distribute, for my personal maids and myself at least 4 pieces of bread. For my father, he usually has breakfast with my second mother and my half-sisters, which make five of them. So 9 pieces of bread already allocated for my family, who should I give the last bread to? Actually, I want to make the last one for my sister, but she doesn't want to eat together with my stepmother because my stepmother's reminder to my sister when she's not finished her meal. With my sister's picky habit, that equal to order her eating something she doesn't like, so she prefers to eat in her own room rather than listening to my stepmother reminder.

"Mrs. Martina, please come here. I want you to try this bread for me"

I decided to give it to Mrs. Martina since she is the lord of the castle kitchen, I should give her some faces in front of her subordinates.

"Me, young master?"

"Yes, I want you to taste this bread and tell to all the cooks here about the taste"

"Thank you, young master"

With the shaking hand, Mrs. Martina accepts the bun shaped bread that I give to her. I even start to worry if she lost her grip on the bread and the bread fall to the floor. That would be a waste of good bread. Fortunately, that does not happen.

"It's soft! It's not hard bread like what we used to make!"

She looks surprised when Mrs. Martina's finger is pressing the bread, her fingers immediately sink into the bread and make that remark.

"What? Soft bread? I know it only sold in Capital city"

"Really? It can eat directly without soup?"

"I heard only nobles and aristocrats in Capital can eat soft bread"

"How about the taste?"

That's some comments I heard from the cooks after they hear what Mrs. Martina said. From there, I get important info too. It seems soft bread already exist but limited only in Capital city. Maybe however made it, they keep the recipe to make soft bread as secret so they can sell that bread with a high price.

"Why don't you take a bit to try the taste, Mrs. Martina?"

"Right away, young master"

Mrs. Martina bites the bread and chews it slowly.

"Mmm…really soft and easy to chew"

Mrs. Martina keeps chewing the bread inside her mouth before finally swallowing it and eat the rest of the bread until nothing left on her hand except some crumbs.

"There's some faint sweet taste but mostly plain, young master"

Mrs. Martina gives her opinion about the taste of the bread

"Correct! If we want to make a sweet bread, we can add sugar into the dough, or if we want to make bread with milk flavor, we can replace the water with milk"

"Can we really make that kind of bread here, young master?"

One of the cooks ask me a question

"Why not? Your imagination is your limit. All you have to do is try and keep trying until you get want you imagining. Now, since this bread's taste is plain, to make it delicious when we eat, let's add some flavor. I will show you a new dish called hamburger, for that dish I need lettuce and tomato and also tomato and mayonnaise sauce. Can someone get me those vegetables and make the sauce?"

"We will deliver those ingredients right away young master"

"Good. Can I have griller prepared? This minced meat that I knead while waiting for the dough called patties, this is the main ingredient to make hamburger"

I take some patties mixtures and shape it into circle shape as big as the bread bun that I just made. After the griller ready, I grill the patties I just made. I grill the patties until nothing left in the bowl. The cooks that make sauce also already finish their job when I finish grilling the patties. With the tomato and lettuce already prepared, it's time to make hamburger

First I cut the bread bun horizontally into top side and bottom side. spread the bottom halves buns with the mayonnaise sauce. Top with the lettuce, sliced tomato, patties, and dollop with tomato sauce. Cover with the hamburger bun tops.

"Now, this new dish is done. Please remember how I made this dish, there will be a time when you will make this dish later"

"Yes, young master"

Next thing I want to make is a salad from the seaweed. Since this only sample on how to process the seaweed into edible food, I'm not making too much, just enough for me and my family.