Surprise for Claire

After we regain some strength back after the fierce battles in the top of the watchtower, it's time for us to return to the castle and continue our activities. Moreover, I already promise my father to accompany him at lunch with our guest, mayor Lumon town's son, Gandolf. I told Claire that still lean on my shoulder that we should leave watchtower soon to have lunch.

"Claire…it's almost lunchtime. We should get down or people will look for us"

"Mmm… it's almost lunchtime already? Why time feels move so fast when we're together Henry?"

"Hmm… Maybe because we're enjoying it? Now be a good girl, and get dress, we still can have another good time together again"

I give her a light kiss and pat her head. Claire nodded and step down from my lap and take her clothes that scattered on the floor. The first one she takes is her loincloth

"Henry…can you help me put this on again?"

I almost forget to give her the sanitary pad and the new underwear. I take her loincloth in her hand and throw it away which make Claire looks at me with a confused stare.

"Henry…why you throw it away?"

"You will no need that anymore, Claire. I give you something better"

I take her underwear that I keep in my coat pocket and show her

"Recognize this?"

"That's…. that looks like my underwear…but …the shape different"

"This is your underwear indeed. I ask Clara to take it and ask my sister to modified this underwear"

"For what, Henry? Am I supposed to wear that? But when my menstruation blood leak, that kind of thin underwear can't contain the blood"

"Yes, you must put this on first. Don't worry about your menstruation blood"

I help Claire to put this new type of underwear on her but stop when the underwear reaches her tight.

"Wait… Don't pull it up yet. There's something else I want to give to you"

I take the sanitary pad that I keep in my other coat pocket and show it to Claire.

"What is that, Henry?"

"It's a surprise for you. Watch it"

I peel the adhesive tape from the pad and place it on the crouch side of the underwear. I put it carefully so the pad will cover her vagina in the right place and make her comfortable. After the pad attached well in the underwear, I pull it up to her waist. I use my hand to rub her crouch to make sure the pad not moving loosely from her underwear.

"How do you feel Claire? Do you feel uncomfortable with this pad?"

"No Henry….this…this is more comfortable than before. But…are you sure the blood will not leak outside? Where do you get this? I never see this kind of pad before"

"You can try for the day, if you feel your loincloth is better, you can switch back to use your loincloth again. About where I get this pad…. I can't tell you right now. Do you leak much blood during your periods?"

"Not really…"

"Then you can be easy. This pad can absorb about half-liter to one-liter liquids. If you feel the pad no longer contain your menstruation blood, I'll give you a new one. You just remove the pad from your underwear and rolled inside before dump it to garbage. If you want to pee or poop, you can do it like usual, just drop your underwear and wear again after your business over. Don't worry, this pad is well attached to your underwear"

"Henry…is that true? This is wonderful! I can save time from use complicated loincloth just by wear this. Henry, thank you!"

Claire jumps to my chest and gives me a passionate kiss.

"Claire, actually I want to ask you a favor"

I ask her to help me after we finish kissing

"Sure, just say it, Henry"

"I want you to meet my sister and show this underwear and the pad. Also, ask her about her periods time. I want to give her this pad too, but you know, I can't ask something like this to her, right? And please keep this pad as secret. Just make it only you, Clara, Carina, and my sister know about this"

Claire is giggling when hearing my request.

"Of course I will help you, Henry. You're right, this kind of question surely make a girl feel awkward when asked by a man. I will meet sister Eliza and ask that after lunchtime"

"Thanks, Claire. Now let's get dressed and go down"

We both take the rest of our clothes that still scattered on the floor and put it on. I also help Claire to tie her corset like I did with my sister this morning while adding some bite marks on her white shoulder during the process. After close the windows on the watchtower, we ready to get downstairs. Somehow I see Claire's walk a bit wobbly, maybe her leg's still a little cramp after our fierce battle just now. This makes me worry if she slipped in the stairs.

"Claire…Wait a minute….let me carry you down"

Claire's face blushing when hearing my order but she pretends she was alright

"It's okay, Henry…I can walk by myself"

"No, you're not okay…your walk is still wobbly. Don't refute, just get on my back and I carry you down"

"But I'm heavy"

"Hmph…I'm not a weak man that can't carry his woman. If we face a dangerous situation and you can't move, I will not escape by myself, I will carry you and we escape together. Come, don't say anything just get on my back. I won't let my woman get injured because an accident in front of my eyes"

Claire nodded and no longer rebukes my words. I lowered my back so she can climb on my back. After she rests on my back and wraps her arms around my neck, I slowly stand up and lift her with me then slowly go downstairs from the watchtower.

Claire's big soft breast that pressed against my back bring delightful feeling to me during our way down. This is something that I will never get bored.


Suddenly Claire whisper from my back

"Yes, Claire?"

"Your back feels warm…tonight…can I sleep while hugging your back from behind?"

"Sure, no problem. Ah right, since I will have lunch with our guest, you girls will have lunch without me. Tell Clara to wait for me in my room after lunch. Carina can have a nap if she likes"

"Okay…may I know what do you want from sister Clara, Henry?"

"It's no big deal. Just to gives her the same underwear and pad like I give you just now. By the way, if you think your new underwear feels good, just go to my sister and ask her to modify your underwear again like what you currently wear"


At the end of our conversation, we already arrived at the entrance of watchtower. I lowered my back so Claire can dismount from my back. After fix and tidied our clothes, we kiss each other before we walk separately to our destination. I will go to the dining hall to have lunch while Claire will go to the kitchen to get their lunch with Clara and Carina.