Price of loyalty

After my sister and my stepmother leave the dining table, my father asks about Gandolf's opinion regarding the lunch that he just had in our castle.

"Well, Gandolf, what do you think about our lunch today?"

"It's superb, uncle John. If this dish served for the banquet, there will bring many praises from the guest"

My father winks at me like gives the sign to me to answer Gandolf's comment

"This menu only served for an ordinary meal every day, brother Gandolf. Menu for the banquet will more delicious and elegant than this"

Gandolf's mouth open wide like a tennis ball after hearing my explanation

"There's still…More dishes which more delicious and elegant?"

"Yes, made from rare ingredients. That's why that kind of dishes can't be served every day"

"We definitely will come for the banquet!"

Gandolf looks enthusiastic to attend our banquet to welcome Earl Stamfort later. After put his teacup in the table, my father starts speaking again.

"Alright Gandolf, I think you'll be leaving soon, but follow me to my office. I had something to give to you in there. You also come with us, Henry"

"Yes, uncle"

"Yes, father"

I and Gandolf stand up from our chair and follow my father to go to his office. My uncle also followed us there. I whisper to him to ask why he follow us

"Uncle, you also come?"

"Your father and I already scheduled to play the board game this afternoon. What? Do you mind?"

"No…no at all. it seems uncle will be here until dinner time too"

"Hahaha…I don't want to lose the chance to taste new dishes like in breakfast time. You will make the new dish again, right?"

"One more mouth to feed is no problem to us, uncle. But I hope you did not neglect your job for the security matters"

"Hohoho… Don't worry about that. I guarantee there'll nothing bad happen during Earl Stamfort visit here"

Since my uncle said so I just had to believe with what he said. When we arrive in my father office, I, Gandolf and my uncle sit on the chairs that used to receive guests while my father takes something from his desk. What my father took from his desk is a set of board games and he handed it Gandolf.

"Here, take this board game as a souvenir from your visit this time. Don't forget to teach and tell your father and brother how to play this game. If your father loves to play it, he can come here and play with me any time he got spare time"

"Wow! Uncle John…Thank you very much! I definitely tell my father about this board game"

Gandolf receives the board game set with excitement expressed on his face. It seems he also like this game after pay it with my father. my father likely nurtures some potential partner to play with him in the future. Well, only play with uncle Jake or Jason maybe will make him want some fresh challenges. My father goes back to his desk and takes something else from the safety box. My eyes see the jar which taken from that box is no doubt is a salt jar. It's not hard to take a conclusion that my father also wants to give that salt jar to Gandolf.

"I also want you to receive this Gandolf"

"What is this, Uncle John?"

"Why don't you open the lid and see yourself what inside it?"

Gandolf opens the lid and sees white crystals salt inside the jar. With a trembling finger, he picks a grain salt and put on his mouth.

"Uncle John…this is salt? And you give this to me? This…this is too valuable for me to accept. This may be worth 10% or more from the taxes we send this time"

Gandolf almost didn't believe when he hears that salt is gifted to him casually like that.

"Yes, that's my gift for your diligent and timely taxes shipment. That also the secret why the food you just eat during lunch tastes good. Right, Henry?"

My father shifts the words to me means I should continue his speaking and give Gandolf my idea about salt usage in the future.

"That's right brother Gandolf, in the matter of fact, we realize that many places in our territory facing difficulties with salt raising prices, that could be including your area too, right"

"Yes…that's true. We have to change our menu into dishes that using less salt lately"

"Well…let's say somewhere in the near future, we will not have difficulties about the salt anymore. We plan to make our people can get salt at the reasonable prices, in every corner of our territory. Of course, there are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled to make this plan works"

Then I start to tell Gandolf about the road making plan, salt incentive to build it, about regulation for salt trade in our territory, and establishment to distribution chain to make the salt can well distribute to the entire territory. Gandolf listens to my explanation with full attention, after my explanation over, he closes his eyes like try to digest what I just explain to him. Suddenly he stands up from his seat and kneels in front of me

"Young master Henry, I offer my loyalty to you, promise to assist you under your rule and executing your order without questions!"

His sudden reaction makes me startled, it really response which beyond my expectation. I thought he only will say, 'that sounds good' or 'that's wonderful plan' or something like that.

"Brother Gandolf, please stand up, you make me feel awkward when you suddenly kneel like that"

"Pardon me, young master. But in here, I'm speaking as the future mayor of Lumon town to the future ruler of Harvard territory, please accept my pledge"

I think this is not the time to act casually since Gandolf act as official business. I stand up and touch his shoulder to accept his pledge and speaking in a formal tone.

"I, Henry Harvard, hereby declare to accept the loyalty pledge from Gandolf as the future mayor of Lumon town. May our cooperation will last forever"

After I accept his pledge, Gandolf willing to raises from his kneeling position. We do shake hands to confirm our cooperation from now and to the future. With this pledge, at least I already gather one person to help me manage the territory in the future later. I never thought with just one jar of salt I already get loyalty from a seem capable person in my territory.