Console her

After telling me what burdening her mind, my sister looks relieved and also look tired. Well, it's normal because she already crying for quite a time which makes her eyes become red and swollen. I give her a suggestion to take a rest

"Sis, you look tired…how about take a rest and we can continue our talk again later?"

M sister didn't reply my words, she still hugs me tight and only stares at me for several minutes without saying anything. When she finally want to talk again….


"Yes, sis?"

"You're really not angry with me?"

"No. I'm not angry with you"

"You not hate me because more or less I also involved in your accident?"

"No. I do not hate you. You're my sister and I always love you. My accident had nothing to do with you so please ease your mind and never think about that again"

"Mmm…then….can you prove it?"

"How do you want me to prove it? Am I sound like I'm angry? Look, I even smile at you"

I try to give my best smile to my sister, but she still shakes her head

"Henry… Give me proof that you still love me by…..kiss me in the lips like this morning"

What? After hearing her request suddenly my mind goes blank for a moment. Did I kiss her this morning? Moreover, kiss her in the lips? Sometimes I kiss her cheek or her forehead but in the lips?

"Huh? What do you say, sis? You want me to kiss you?"

"Yes…but not just only for a moment like before"

Slowly remember the accidental kiss that happens in the morning when I visit her first time today. If she didn't suddenly turn her head, our lips would not touch each other like a kiss.

"Sis…that's not a kiss, it's just an accident"

"Accident or not… Didn't our lips just met like a kiss?"

"But you're my sister. Kiss your lip is not appropriate. How about I kiss your cheek or forehead like usual?"

My sister shakes her head which makes my heart becomes chaotic. She really means it! She wants me to kiss her on her lips. Well, she's not really my sister because I only borrow Henry's body but still, she is Henry's sister, can I really kiss her lips like what I did to Clara or Claire?

"Sis, at least, can you explain to me…why should I kiss you on your lips?"

"Ummm…that…well…you know my age, right? I never had a serious relationship with any man before and…. I never been kissed before. I always wonder how that feels…I mean being kissed. When I heard Clara and Claire story about their relationship with you, sometimes I envy them. They're younger than me, nevertheless, they already kissed by you many times. Girls in my age also already married and maybe already have their own child. And after that accidental kiss that morning, I can't move the thought about getting a kiss from a man. That's why…Henry"

"But I'm your brother, sis"

"If I did that with any man in this castle… Isn't that will make father disgraced? I can only ask that from you, Henry"

Ugh, what she said indeed reasonable and make sense also make me pity her unfortunate fate. Like what she said, most girls on her age already experienced more than just a kiss. I give it a thought before I made a decision about her request.

"Alright sis….but this time only, okay? And I need time to prepare my mind for that"

My sister smile when she hears I accept her request, she nodded and released her hands from my chest. I stand up and take a towel and damp it with water from the water basin to clean my sister's face from the traces of tears and snort. I carefully and gently wipe her face while my sister closes her eyes and let me take care of her face. After her face gets better, I ask her what she like when kissed

"Sis… Are you close or open your eyes when kissed?"

"I want to see how you kiss me, Henry"

Ugh, this makes the difficulty level increased. I actually prefer she closes her eyes and just let me do the kiss. Seeing her stare at me while kissing her surely give me some pressure. I take a deep breath before start gives her a kiss. Frankly speaking, I'm quite nervous because this is my sister, different from Clara or Claire.

"Just do it like what you did with Clara or Claire, Henry….you don't have to think the girl in front of you is your sister"

It seems my sister noticed my nervousness and tries to elevate my hesitation. But can I kiss her like when I kiss Clara or Claire? Obviously not. I raise my hands to touch her cheeks and rub it for a moment before pulling it slowly closer to my face. And when our lips finally touch each other, my sister hands also hold my head to keep my lips on her mouth.

I don't know how long we kiss each other. Maybe only several seconds or one minute, or maybe more, but I feel I kiss her quite long enough. It's not a French kiss like I did with Clara or Claire where our tongue invaded each other mouth, it just a long kiss with some suctions on the lips and trace the lips with tongue. When her hands no longer keep my head close to her, I slowly retracted my lips from her mouth and end our kiss.

After the kiss, my sister looks at me with melancholy looks on her eyes. Although she still looks tired there's a sign of comfort in her eyes

"Thank you, Henry, …for the kiss. This will be my official first kiss from a man which I will never forget"

"You welcome sis…why don't you take a rest? You look tired"

"Umm…I do feel tired after telling you all about him, Henry. Can you accompany me until I sleep?"


My sister lay her back on the bed while I sit on the edge of the bed while holding her hand and my other hand caressing her hairs.

"Your hands feel warm, Henry"

"Sleep well sis, tonight I will make meat dish for you. You still need to gain more weight to make you more beautiful. I want you to look much better than before until that scum Roland can't recognize you even when you stand in front of him"

"Hihi…that sound good Henry"

She chuckled and then starts to close her eyes to sleep. Her hand grips my hand tightly like don't want to let it go. So I accompany her to sleep until I feel her grip on my hand no longer tight as a sign she already sleeps. I slowly take my hand off from her hand so she won't wake up and after give a kiss on her forehead, I leave her room and return to my own room.


For complete and advanced chapters : (p.a.t.r.e.o.n)


For story without mature content : (Still under construction)