Make meat buns

When I arrive in the front yard, I see Charles and Joe there, waiting for me patiently. There's a pushcart near them. Is that the pushcart that I order them to make yesterday?

"Hello, Charles…what news you have to me today?"

"Greetings, young master Henry. We come here with the pushcart sample that we already made today. We bring it here to test, whether if this push cart already meets your expectation or not. If there's something that needs adjustment, we can start right away before making another push cart"

"Oh? That's good thinking. Very well, I agree with you about that. Is that the pushcart sample?"

I'm pointing at the pushcart near them

"Yes young master"

"How many carts you already make today?"

"We already make six before I thought about this matter, young master"

"Alright, let me take a look and give it a test. Follow me to the kitchen and bring that cart along with you"

I, Charles and Joe go to the kitchen with the pushcart they just made. I try to push the cart along the corridor to feel its weight, stability, and smoothness when being pushed

"Charles, this cart is okay but can you make it lighter? Maybe using different wood that more light but also durable? And please make it a bit wider than this to make more plates can be carried for the next cart you make"

I give my opinion for improvement after testing the cart along the way to the kitchen.

"Sure, no problem young master"

When we arrive at the kitchen, I ask Mrs. Martina to get maids that usually bring dishes from kitchen to dining hall, and not long after I give the order, several maids already arranged in the kitchen. I tell them what I want from them to do

"Alright, you see this is push cart I specially order to help you carry dishes to the dining hall. I want you to give it a try and tell me your opinion about this push cart later. Now try to bring some dishes to the dining hall and return to the kitchen again. I will put some bowl with water in this push cart, try to bring it without spill the water in the bowl. Do you understand?"

"We understand, young master"

"Try to move fast but don't spill the water in the bowl"

"Yes young master"

I want to estimate how it takes to bring this push cart into the dining hall and return back to the kitchen. Some dishes are best served in warm or even hot condition, that's why I need to know exactly how much time needed to bring the dish from kitchen to dining hall.

After those maids finish doing testing on the pushcart, I ask their opinion about that

"So, what do you think about this cart, girls?"

"This cart will be very helpful when carrying many dishes at once, young master Henry"

"Can this cart make a bit lighter or smaller? It's a bit heavy to push"

"Young master, this cart is a bit heavy for me"

I look at the maid who gives the last opinion. Well, her stature is a bit smaller than the rest. What seems normal for them maybe heavier for her.

"How many dishes you usually carry?"

"I'm carrying teapot for the drink, young master"

Ah, so that's the problem. The teapot can be put at the pushcart also with other dishes but for her who used to carry a light load, pushcart with more loads surely heavy. I think for a moment for the solution.

"Alright, I know how to solve it. Charles, make a slightly bigger and wider cart so two people can push it together"

"Yes, young master"

"That's it. You will push it together with one of your friends, so it would not feel heavy anymore. Also, this cart can bring back the used bowl and plates to kitchen faster"

The maid nodded after hearing my instruction. After telling them to try this cart during the dinner, I dismissed them and continue to prepare the menu for dinner. Charles and Joe also left the kitchen to continue their works after getting some suggestions for cart improvement from me and the maids. I also continue to watch the cook prepare the consommé soup while teaching other cooks about the recipe of Japanese meat bun which also known as Nikuman. Since the process needs quite a long time too, I take some cooks which usually make the bread to help me prepare the ingredients. The most time needs to make Nikuman is prepared the dough, just like making bread. So, I separated cooks who make the filling and cook who make the dough.


For Dough

 2 1/4 teaspoons active dry yeast

 2 teaspoons sugar

 2/3 cup water

 1 1/2 cup flour

 1/2 teaspoon salt

 1 tablespoon olive oil

For Meat Filling

 1/2 pound ground beef or pork

 1 1/2 cup cabbage, finely chopped

 4 green onions, chopped

 1/2 tablespoon garlic, minced

 1/8 teaspoon dried ginger

 Dash of pepper

 3 teaspoons soy sauce

 1/4 teaspoon sugar

 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar

 1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

Cooking Instructions

1. Unless you are using instant yeast, you will want to start by proofing your yeast. Dissolve the yeast and sugar in warm water. Let the mixture stand for 5 to 10 minutes until it looks foamy.

2. Add in the flour and salt. Mix in the olive oil, and knead by hand for 5 minutes or more. The dough should be slightly sticky at this point.

3. Place a damp towel over the bowl and let rise until double in size.

4. In a separate bowl, combine the meat filling ingredients. Place in the cold place until the dough is ready.

5. Once the dough has risen, split into 6 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball and let rise for another 10 minutes.

6. Roll out each ball with a rolling pin and fill with the meat filling. Pinch together each of the sides to seal the bun, and then slightly twist in the middle.

7. Place each bun on a small square of parchment paper or a cupcake liner. Let the buns rise for 20 minutes.

8. Steam the buns for 20 minutes, or until cooked through.

When time is around 16.30 pm, I left the kitchen to take a bath and prepared for personnel briefing in the hall. I left the cooks to carry on the cooking after leaving them with instruction what they should to the dish after I left the kitchen until I return to continue cooking later.


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