Girls' talk (2)

After finish washing Celes' body with the soap, the last thing to do is soaking in the tub while relaxing.

"Milady…the washing part is finished, you can enter the tub for the final bath"

"Okay….this is really different with how we take bath in Stamfort castle"

"Yes, young master Henry said, with this kind of bath, the water in the tub still can be used again later. It would reduce the workload to clean and refill the tub with water again"

"Mmm…that's sound like Henry…is it okay for me to enter the tub?"

"Yes, please milady"

Celes enter the bathtub after the soap was cleaned from her body. The warm water inside the tub and the lavender flower petals that put into the tub, is giving relaxing sensation for Celes.

"This really feels so good…"

"Milady…we will give you another massage session while you soaking the bathtub"

"Sure….umm…can I ask you question about my fiancé?"

"Please ask us, milady"

"After not seeing him for a long time…I always wonder what kind of a man is Henry now"

"Excuse us milady…but how long you've not seen young master Henry?"

Clara asking back while start massaging Celes' shoulder and arms while Claire massaging her calf and soles

"Until yesterday…I haven't seen Henry for nine years, ten months and twenty-two days"

Clara and Claire gasped in awe when heard how long Celes had waiting for meeting with Henry again

"Milady… that's really long waiting time. Do you meet with young master Henry often?"

"Only once…but it's an unforgettable and happiest moment in my life"

"Why is that so, milady?"

"Because he said he wants to make me as his bride when we grow up later…now, can you tell me what kind of man he is now?"

"Ah pardon me for delayed the answer milady…if I may describe him, as a person who will hold authorities as Master Harvard's heirs, he is a reliable, hardworking, and responsible person. He already follows Master Harvard secure his territory and subjugating bandits who create disorder in his territory. That's how I met young master Henry at first place. He also always wake up early in the morning, doing many things during the day and only rest after having dinner"

Claire explains her opinion first about Henry and Clara follow up with her own opinion.

"If milady asks my opinion about young master Henry as a man, I think he's a gentle, caring and a charming man. He knows how to treat women and never using his authorities as the castle successor to harass any girls here. I never see any man have quality like young master Henry in this castle"

"Miss Clara…is that means you also love Henry as well?"

This sudden question makes Clara caught off guard, if Celes can look at her, she can see Clara's face blushing from that question

"Ah…ugh…if milady asks me like that…well, there's no girl in this castle who not love young master Henry, milady. I'm also no exception for that. Becomes his personal maids is already a blessing for me because I can stay closer on young master Henry's side"

Celes chuckled when hearing Clara's answer

"I think I understand that. That's also happened in Stamfort castle every time my brother return from Capital city and visiting father. Every young maid there always wears love-love gazes in their eyes. Miss Clara…do you have a good relationship with Henry?"

"Sir Anthony indeed a great man also milady…. I believe there're also many of his admirer in the Capital city as well. About my relationship with young master Henry…well, he always treat us good and we grow up together in this castle since we arrive in this castle. I think young master Henry is the best master we ever had in our life"

"Mmm….my father always had a headache when he receives proposals from nobles in Capital city for my brother, because he knows my brother will reject it immediately"

"We pray that Sir Anthony can find a woman that can give him happiness, milady"

Celes sighed when hearing the words from my maids

"I'm not sure if he can find the woman that can replace sister Elena from his heart. Her gone is too sudden and happen in such painful ways…"

For a moment only silence fills the air in the bathroom. Everyone there is drowning in their own thought.

"Ah enough with my brother stuff…can you tell me more about Henry? Like what he likes or what his hobbies"

"If milady asks that….before the accident, young master Henry always practicing his swordplay in the morning, going out to inspect territory once a while, doing the task that Master Harvard give to him or spending his time with young Miss Eliza. But after the accident it seems young master Henry develop other interest, he loves to cook. Today's lunch also made by recipes from young master Henry"

"Henry is cooking….did his cooking taste good?"

"Mmm….. It's more than just good, milady. You'll see that in the lunch later"

"I feel I can't wait for today's lunch…I want to see and taste Henry's cooking by my own mouth…is there anything else that Henry likes to do?"

"Young master Henry is good at making songs and singing. He also great storytelling too"

"Really? That's sound romantic…I wish I can have time just alone with him and he'll sing his song for me"

"Milady can ask him about that…he surely will gladly grant milady wish since he does his best to make milady feel comfortable and enjoy during milady stay in Harvard castle"

"He did that for me? I feel like I'm giving him a hard time just for my visit"

"Not at all, milady…he seems to enjoy doing all this welcoming event. He makes new dishes every day just to make sure milady will enjoy the food that served in Harvard castle"

"Miss Clara…when will the lunch served in Harvard castle?"

"Around 1 p.m milady….there's still time before lunch ready"

"And how long I should soaking in the tub?"

"If milady feels enough….milady can leave any time you want"

"I feel my body already clean and fresh already…please help me with my dress"

"Sure milady"

Celes leave the tub and Clara and Claire dry her body with a clean towel before helps her put her dress again. While helping Celes put her corset, suddenly Celes asking something to Clara and Claire

"Miss Clara and miss Claire…can I ask you something?"

"Sure milady…what is that?"

"Can you help me take a bath again? I want to hear more stories about Henry from you"

"We don't mind about that milady…but we will convey your request to young master Henry first and ask for his permission"

"Yes, please do so. Thank you"

After Celes finish wearing her clothes back, Clara and Claire also take off their wet bathrobe and wear their maid uniform again. Then they escort Celes back to her room after finish dressing.