The last dish

After the third dish, Spaghetti, which also praised for the taste by the guests already finished to eat, it's time to serve the last dish for today's lunch. It's the Gyudon dish that I just make this morning. If our guests satisfied with this dish, maybe I can expect for rice can be cultivated not only in Harvard territory but also in Stamfort territory as well.

While the maids with an empty cart taking the empty dishes from guest's tables, I make an introduction for the next dish to our guest

"Honorable guests, the last and our main dish for this lunch called Gyudon. I can't say too much about this dish and let you be the judge about the taste. But I guarantee the taste also delicious like our previous dishes. Like the saying "seeing is believing' but on this occasion, I would say 'tasting is believing' I'm sure that you'll believe that the next dish is delicious after you taste it later. One thing I can say about this dish is, the dish made from something rare that only can be found in Harvard territory, and the explanation about the ingredients will be given later"

I think no one from Stamfort territory ever eats rice before, that's why I give them a 'warning' before the dish served, just in case if there's someone who doesn't like rice as I do. And I decided to give the explanation after the dishes finished because I don't want our guest to lost their appetite when they know rice previously used for horse feed.

"If you say it delicious, we believe that will be delicious, young master Henry"

There's someone from Earl Stamfort's guards that already convinced about the taste of the next dish even though he does not eat the dish yet.

"Haha…thank you if you say so. But the ingredients maybe something that not suit the taste of all people here, so I tell you in advance about this"

"No problem, we eager to try something new here, young master Henry"

Since they seem already can't wait for the next dish, I give Mrs. Martina sign to immediately serve the next dish. The maids push the carts with Gyudon bowl on it enters the dining hall and start distributes the Gyudon bowl to our guest. Of course, Roland Easton and his guards are the exceptions, he's not eligible to eat my cooking here.

"Oooh!…. What is this white thing in the bowl?"

That's the most comments I've heard after our guest open the lid of the bowl. Just as I predicted, this is the first time they see rice. I also can see the curious expression on Earl Stamfort's face when he sees rice. But since I already told them that explanation will be given later, their curiosity only can be answered by eating the dish.

"Are you sure you're not feeding your guest with poison, Henry boy?"

F*ck this Roland Easton! It's you and your mouth with poisonous words which make this lunch slightly disturbed. Fortunately, no one pays attention to him anymore, they give their attention to the Gyudon bowl in front of them which more interesting than hearing what Roland said. And they start using their spoon to scoop the rice in the bowl and fork to bite the beef meat on top of the rice.

"Uoooh! Taste great!"

Seeing our guests' eyes glimmer with joy after they taste the rice makes me feel relieved. They like it! If they like it, they will ask for more. And after that happen, spreading for rice cultivation is not impossible anymore.

"Mmm…this white things taste sweet when chewed…the meat also taste great!"

"Juicy meat and this white thing melt together in my mouth…feel so good!"

"This soft grain like thing reaaally gives the new sensation of having a meal!'

"Can anyone tell me what is this white grain is?"

It seems this rice has a favorable impression for our guests. Hearing their curiosity about this rice makes me want to make gut pose while screaming 'YES!' but I try to hold it. Our guests eat the last dish in a quick manner, maybe they want me to explain what the last dish that they just eat is. After seeing all bowl already empty and see their delightful expression after eating that dish, I guess it's time for me to explain what they just eat.

"Honorable guest, maybe you already can't wait anymore to know what the last dish is, right?"

"Yes! Please explain to us, young master Henry"

"Henry, even in Capital city, I never see such dish. Care to explain to me what is that?"

Even Earl Stamfort also what to know about the last dish.

"Alright…. I will no longer hide the secret of what ingredients used for the last dish. Before I tell the name of that ingredient, I will tell something that may be shocking you all"

"What is that? Please tell us"

"Before this ingredient used to make that last dish, no one understands that ingredient actually can be used to make food. And it turns to be a food which tastes good, right?"

All guests except Roland and his guards nodded their head.

"Because that ignorance, this ingredient actually used as horse feed at first place….."


Oh well, I already expect that reaction from our guests. But before I continue my words, Roland Easton already interrupts my words.


This bastard really knows how to take chance to humiliate others, so before he said anything anymore, I continue my words

"Be quiet, Mr. Roland, I haven't finished my words…But when I realize that what used before as horse feed actually something that can be eaten just like wheat. I stop this ingredient to use as horse feed anymore and decide to make it as subsidiary staple food if this ingredient can be mass cultivated later. This ingredient called rice and currently only produce in a certain place in Harvard territory. It hasn't been mass cultivated which make it can't be found in elsewhere. Maybe even the royal family did not even have the chance to taste this rice, and when rice become popular food later, you can say with proud that you already eat rice before it getting popular"


"Well done!"

Loud clapping sound can be heard filling the dining room. Earl Stamfort even raises his thumb for me. Only Roland Easton which his face constantly change from red to green to purple seems not pleased with such great applause for our guests.