Insult my fiance? Let's duel!

Many satisfied and relieved sounds come from the people in the dining hall. Not just people on the Harvard seats but also our guest from Stamfort castle. Maybe they worried if Anthony keeps mourning over his fiancé death and can't move on and marry another girl.

But suddenly my sister said something that surprised all the people

"But Sir Anthony, I accept your marriage proposal with one condition"

Ugh! Sis, what else you got on your mind? Please don't say you want to let me see you every time you miss me, okay?

Sir Anthony reply to my sister request calmly

"Sure, Miss Eliza. Please say your condition"

"I heard you lost your fiancé just when you about to married, I'm sorry for your lost. I don't ask you to forget her, instead, you should remember her as one important person in your life. What I want to ask is, please don't make me as the substitute of your former fiancé. Miss Elena is miss Elena, I am what I'm right now. If you take me as your wife, there's should be no regret because I'm not the same as your former fiancé. I want you to love and care me because just what I am"

Hearing my sister's condition, Sir Anthony makes a smile on his face

"I understood and I see another good side of yours. Your condition….I accept and will fulfill it"

After saying that, Sir Anthony grabs my sister's right hand and takes it closer to his mouth and kisses it. Loud applause comes from the people in the dining hall. They all happy because see such lovely scene in front of their eyes. I also secretly relieved because my sister didn't ask something ridiculous, instead, she asks something after considering both side feeling.

Of course, not all people in the dining hall are happy with this scene. Roland Easton who just lost my sister as his fiancé looks gloomy after he receives his money pouch back. If he uses his brains, he should know when to advance and when to retreat. By received Sir Anthony proposal, that means he no longer my sister fiancé, he should know he doesn't have any business anymore in Harvard castle. He still can walk away and take his loss like a man. But his pettiness and narrow-minded character, also the jealousy for Anthony because he snatches his fiancé right in front of his nose, clouded his thinking and let him make a stupid act to vent his anger. He yelled at my sister, accusing her as the money-digger

"You wench! I already give you the dowry yet you choose another man? I guess like brother like sister, both of you just a bunch of money lecher. No, your brother even worse, he only wants to climb up on social status by marrying high-rank noble daughter. I doubt he can give his fiancé a proper dowry for his proposal"

Hoh? I also become his object to vent his anger apparently. Well, some he said were true before I go to the beach and acquire the black pearl. But since I had the black pearl, I want to use it as my dowry for Celes. Its black color seems perfectly suit for her pure white skins, make each other show its radiance. But first, I must slap this son of the bitch first for accusing my sister as money-digger

"Mr. Roland, watch your mouth. You're no longer my sister fiancé and you had nothing to do in Harvard castle anymore. While all still under control, I suggest you leave and find another girl that willing to be your wife"

"Haaah? You want to cast me out because I say the truth? Who else wants to marry that devil incarnation woman unless having the desire to climb social rank by marrying her?"


Suddenly I feel like my blood is boiling. Calling my fiancé as devil incarnation in front of me, her fiancé, and also when she around….

Roland Easton, you're going too far!

You insult me, I still can bear it since it's useless to bicker with trash like you. You insult my sister, I still can let you go after give you some humiliations back, but to insult my fiancé as well? You really have the nerve to say something like that in front of me and people from Stamfort castle. I feel killing intents start rise from the seat where guests from Stamfort castle sit. No, I can't let people for Stamfort castle steal the chance to beat this bastard into pulp.

"Mr. Roland Easton! Take back what you've said and apologize!"

"Huh? I said a lot of things today, which one?"

"Your insolent word that insulting my fiancé just now. I can let go when you insult me, I still can bear your insult to my sister, but to insult my innocent fiancé who not related any matter here, that's outrageous! Apologize now!"

"Haah…like I will. I'm not the only one who says that. Many people said that about your fiancé, why don't you also ask them to an apology as well?"

"Last chance, Mr. Roland…Kneel down in front of my fiancé and say you sorry…or else…"

"Or what? What are you going to do if I refuse to say sorry, huh?"

I take one of my gloves from my belt and come forward then use that glove to slap Roland Easton. The glove made from leather that tanned well and quite sturdy. It makes a loud slapping sound when hit Roland's cheek, and it a challenge for a duel with him.

"Let's duel!"

It's a classic solution over a dispute without a solution. I'm not afraid to have a duel with Roland Easton since I see he rarely train his body, it's going to be an easy duel for me. I'm planning to make some beating to him until his face becomes black and blue before dragging him to my fiancé and force him to make an apology. If he refuses to accept my duel challenge, let people see him as a coward while he gets out from Harvard castle. Most likely, this Roland Easton must aware that he can't win against me and will choose the second choice by refusing the duel. Whatever the choice he makes is fine with me, people will see him as a loser.

"Fine. Let's have a duel"

Huh? Did I hear it wrong? Does he accept my duel challenge?