Surprise move

Before they scream the warning, I already feel something amiss when looking at their expression. The command from Roland Easton also enter my ears, makes me vigilant for whatever will happen later.

I hear the women scream from spectator side, it seems Clara, Claire, Carina, Eliza, and Celes screaming the same warning for me. From front and side I see no incoming danger, so that danger must come from behind, where the killing intent comes from.

It seems that Magnus wants to choke me to death after he grasped my neck, but this also already in my calculation. When his arms almost touch me, I move my body a bit, and using his momentum, borrowing his force, with over shoulder throw, I grab his arm and throw him toward Roland, borrowing his movement forward. His big body that almost two meters high flying unstoppable toward Roland and only stopped after hit him hard. Both of them pushed until to the arena's fences because of the strong force that carried from my throw. They both stacked all over near the fences followed with a loud scream from Roland but that screams stopped when there's no more movement from Roland and Magnus, maybe they fainted on the spot.

The loud panicking sound that comes from spectator seat suddenly vanished when the spectator sees I throw Magnus toward Roland and changed into grave silence. And that silence still lasts for some moment after Magnus hit Roland and make them faint in the spot, but loud and thunderous applause coming right after that.

"Bravo!! Good fight!"

"Well done! As expected from young master Henry!"


"Brilliant move!!"

That sort of cheers can be heard comes from the spectator's side. I wave my hands to them as the appreciation for their support. Oh man, this feels so good after winning a duel.

I walk toward the spectator seat where Celes sit while enjoying the cheers.

"Sorry Celes, it seems they both faint and I can't make Roland apologize to you"

"Henry…it's okay. Seeing you safe and unharmed is more than enough for me"

"Still, I can't let anyone insult my woman as they pleased"

"Oh Henry….Your care is more important, besides, I think you already give them a lesson"

Meanwhile, in the other seats.

"Brother, I'm not dreaming, right? I really see Henry throw that giant to that Easton third son, right?"

"Beat me, brother, I know Henry knows some swordsmanship…but to throw such giant easily…even I can't believe it. I wonder if I can do the same thing if I'm in Henry's shoes"

"Even I can't do such a thing in my youth time…who teach him that moves?"

"That's a question that I also want to know the answer as well"


"My prediction was right, father. Henry is the winner"

"Yes, but the last part when Henry throws that guy makes you surprised right? Your jaw open wide when seeing that"

"Hehe….it makes my fighting spirit rush to my head. I also want to spar with him, exchanging some moves with Henry"

"Hold your horses, son, we still guest in here. Besides, don't spoil your sister happiness and think about your future wife too. They will unhappy if something bad happens to Henry because you lost control of your strength"

"But I always can control my power"

"No, but…rather than get sparring with Henry, you should try to get close with your future wife. Spend some time to get along, you just barely know her, right?"

"Ugh, father's right…well, maybe in another time…if I have the chance"


After finishing my talk with Celes, I'm approaching my father seating.

"Father, what we're going to do with them? We can't let them loitering in our area, right?"

I'm pointing at Roland and his guards

"Right, they already in here too long…"

My father stands up from his seat and shouting at Roland guards that still taking care of their unconscious master in the side of the arena.

"Listen, you Easton's people. Take your master and leave Harvard territory immediately. Tell your master when he wakes up later, he not welcomed again in this area. He prohibits entering this territory as he pleased anymore. Now get lost from my sight or you will leave this castle dragged by horse!"

The rest of Roland guards feel scared and immediately lift Roland and Magnus then leave the arena. Our castle guards escort them until they leave the castle, and some of our guards even follow them to make sure they leave castle town, back to where they come from

Since the duel is over with my victory, the spectators start to disperse and return to their respective workplaces while discussing the duel that they just saw with their colleagues. I also want to return to my room and preparing the menu for dinner later when Earl Stamfort calling me.

"Henry, congratulation for your victory on that duel. That's an impressive and interesting duel, you still keep make me surprised with your ability"

"Thank you, Uncle Edward…that's pure luck because my opponent only depends on his strength. If he can also use his brains I would be in trouble"

"Hahaha….you also act humble too, huh? Still, your action to defend my daughter's honor impresses me, thank you, Henry. Are you have time to talk to me?"

"Well, actually I will go to the kitchen again to prepare the menu for dinner later"

"I see….then, after dinner can you spare your time to talk with me? I don't want to disturb your works, especially your work is for our sake"

"Sure, no problem, Uncle Edward"

"Alright, we'll have a chat after dinner then"

After saying that, Earl Stamfort rise from his seat and return to the castle. Following from behind Earl Stamfort is my future brother in law, Anthony Stamfort. He also said one-two words before return to the castle

"Yo! Henry, that's a good fight. Mind to have a spar with me later?"

"Sure, I'll try to find my spare time for that"

"Hmm…I'm looking forward to that"

After saying that, he continues his steps following his father. Ugh, that's troublesome matters…I can't beat him to keep his pride and give my fiancé a face but I also hate to lose.