Royal Talent Selection

Mayor of Lumon town, Rudolf and his family are the last guests who leave the great hall. I send them off until the entrance and watch them enter into their carriage and disappear after passing the gate. But before they leave, I had a chance to speak a bit with Gandolf.

"Bro, are you return directly to Lumon town?"

"No, we stay for a night in an inn at Castle town. I still want to meet Sarah again and have a conversation with her. There're many things I need to talk with her"

"Ah sorry, if there's room available in our castle, I would like to invite you to stay here but right now most of the room occupied by Earl Stamfort's men. Hmm, if you want to see Sarah, why don't join us for dinner tonight? You can meet her after dinner and I will tell her that you want to see her tonight. Uncle Rudolf, you are also invited to tonight dinner too"

"If not trouble you, please do, brother Henry"

"I will gladly accept the invitation, and leave my son in your care young master Henry"

"Oh, I will trouble him later and have him work a lot later Uncle Rudolf. It's me who will be in his care"

"Hahaha…I'm happy to see you both get along well. Until we meet again later, young master Henry"

That's our conversation that happened before they depart and go to their inn. My father and Earl Stamfort still sit on their table and have a conversation.

"About my previous question, what event you mention before?"

Earl Stamfort chuckled when hearing my father's question,

"Have you forgotten? Five yearly Royal Talent Selection event? It would be held again next year and I want Henry to participate under Stamfort's banner"

"Gosh… I almost forget it since no one from here ever participates in that event"

"I believe with Henry talent, he can dominate both art and martial field. When he defeats that Easton third son's guard, I know he has talent in the martial art, now I see his talent in art too. There's no one in Stamfort territory that possessed that kind of dual talent. Let me tell him about this after dinner and see whether or not he interested in this Royal talent selection. If he participated, I believe he can be on top rank among the participants"

"You overpraised my son, Edward. He still young and lack of experience, I'm afraid he will bring shame to your name"

"Hmm…maybe you're right. But I have a feeling that Henry has something to overcome what he lacking. Besides, look how they doing at the stage, aren't that already clear for us how deep the feeling between our child"

"Yeah, you right. But let's ask them when they want to legalize their relationship, but I want Eliza and Anthony to be the one who marries first. Their age already mature enough to have one or two children already"

"Sure, but the wedding reception will be held in my place"

"Haha…we will follow your arrangement then. I don't mind with that, besides our castle is too small to attend many guests"

"Or we held a double wedding? Eliza and Anthony, Celes and Henry…after that wedding event we will become a big family. Personally, I want that wedding to happen within a year, I already can't wait to hug my grandchild"

"Oh me too, double weeding…that's a great idea…but it also backs to our child agreement too. It's not good to push something to them just because we feel that good, especially Eliza and Anthony, they just recently met and maybe need more time to deepen their feeling toward each other"

"You're right…let's our children decide when they want to marry. Henry, Celes, Eliza, and Anthony come here please"

Earl Stamfort called us to come closer to their table. After hearing the call, we come immediately after hearing the call from Earl. Earl Stamfort makes a wide smile when we arrive in front of him.

"Anthony and Eliza, Henry and Celes, your engagement already finalized and announced. What left now is to decide your wedding day. Anthony, I've spoken with your father in law about you and Eliza marriage, he agrees that event should be within a year but I need to know if you and Eliza have objection for that"

My sister and Anthony look at each other before both of them blushing.

"Father, I want to know miss Eliza better first"

"Father I also want to know more about Sir Anthony, like what he likes and he dislikes"

"Hahaha…alright then, so, Anthony, you should not stick around with me all days. I order you to spend more time with your fiancé together. How about you, Henry and Celes?"

"I'm following your arrangement, father"

Celes reply it immediately which make Earl Stamfort's smile getting wider.

"I see, how about you Henry?"

"I also don't mind Sir, but I still have many things to do in this land"

"No problem, I know you'll have to manage this territory after your father resign. After the wedding, Celes can live here with you. You don't have to stay in Stamfort castle after married"

"Henry, I will be at your side wherever you are. Even it would be in forest, mountain or desert I will follow you"

Celes says her resolution to follow me after we get married, and since she has no objection to living in Harvard territory, I don't have any reason to refuse Earl Stamfort suggestion.

"Very well Sir, since Celes already made up her mind, we will follow your arrangement. But I request that our wedding should be after my sister and brother Anthony wedding"

"Oh? Do you want to have a separate wedding day? May I know your reason?"

"I want to get involved in my sister wedding party arrangement. I want to make her wedding party grandiose and spectacular. I still have many dishes that can be made and if I can get other ingredients from other areas, my scope of cooking will even get wider"

Earl Stamfort nodded after hearing my explanation.

"Good, I also want to make Anthony's wedding a grandiose one. If you handle the food, I can feel assured, but let me ask Anthony and Eliza first. You two, do you mind if Henry handles the food at your wedding party?"

"No. I feel glad if brother Henry willing to help us with the food. You have my gratitude for that"

"I don't mind either, I know Henry will do his best for our wedding party"

"Great, you hear that Henry? you'll be in charge of the food in your sister and Anthony wedding party then"

"I will not disappoint you all, that's my promise!"

"I know you won't. Ah, after dinner I want to have another talk with you about something else. Could you come?"

"Sure, no problem, Uncle Edward"

"Very well, you can have your own time then. I also want to talk to your father about something else too"

"Very well, we can talk about that while playing GO, how about that?"

"Sure, I want a rematch!"

Since our father seems already finished their business with us and go to their own world, we separated on our way back. My sister and Anthony going back together while I and Celes also going somewhere else together. There's still some time available before we take a bath and I want to spend it with Celes.