Situation at home ,Mother and Father 2

The young girls hearth could not take many things so when she saw her young master she just fainted .These six months left deep scars on her .She loved her young master with pure innocent love and when he was taken away to be sacrificed she shut herself down in her room. She did not even take water or food for days but old sentry forced himself and broke the doors down. He than fed her against her will.

Ivar on another hand did not like her that way. He looked at her as brother would look at sister with pure intentions .Even if he liked her Ivar could not actually do anything because he was half of a man but now his whole situation changed !

When she fainted he had lift her up and brought her to her room.Her room was a bit feminine with cheerful colors that gave a sense of the young girl. He slowly put her down on her bed but she still refused to open her arms and let him go. Finally he managed to escape her hug and went his own room.

Old sentry kept everything in order.His table was untouched and even when he checked out for his all writings everything was in the way how he left it and how he remembered it .He than set on his chair and thought about things."What to do ? How to advance faster?"

He thought about lot of things but he knew that he needed money and lot of it .Now it was still early for him to present himself in front of his family.Well actually he could do it strait away but it will not have results he intended!

Finally after 2 hours of making plans and tossing them into the can he decided to sleep.Maybe tomorrow he will find a way to make fortune and come back as the winner .

He slept as a baby for the whole night . Tomorrow is the day his new life truly begins!

First thing he did when he woke up , he called sentry and asked for any or (and) all information that he got .For Ivar important thing was what was happening with 4 noble clans of Dagger- tip and 5 great schools.

The noble clans were separately Volusng clan ,Anker clan ,Berlund clan and Ek clan.

Each clan has its individual characteristics :

Volusung clan was overlord of 4 noble clans .It had an army of sentries in its disposal and was quite renown in the Northern empire .Their house sigil was mighty griffon and they were proud of their wind magic and their relations with wind beasts .One of their ancestors even manged to tame wind dragon and one wind dragon with sacred awakening.Also they had monopoly on food import and export industry witch was important for Dagger tip island.

Anker clan was clan of raiders .They were one of the few original clans that went with Ragnar to Anglia .They had long shipbuilding tradition that rivals the ships of the imperial province.Ivar s

mother was from Anker clan and that marriage was one that had cemented Volsung rule and brought prosperity to the island.

Berlund clan were clan of warriors.The name Berlund symbolized strength of mountain and that is what they were - mountain warriors often part of the bezerkers .They with their noble line could take part of sentries but they did not like the post.They went on to became first regular beserekers and than move up the rank and be first captains than generals.Every clan head of the Berlund clan had to be at least general in the army of the bezerkers to take position as clan head.

Ek clan was clan of the eels .They had strange connection to the water .Some even say that they descended from mere man and that their ancestors had fins like sharks or fish . Ivar also thought so . He saw one of the young members of the family breathe under the water and that scared him deeply.

5 great schools were not " schools" in right way. They were temples of the gods that did some favors to men for sacrifices and money.There were :

The great temple of Mirmir.The god of wisdom.Main object of study rune work and rune implementation.Has great library at its core.

The great temple of Freya .The god associated with fertility and one of universally loved gods.She had her arts in pure yin techniques but also supported women in their wishes to get children.This temple would never turn any woman away!

The great Njord temple .This was one of the temples and one temple every sea city had.Since the sea god governed their fate and Dragon tip fortress was a great harbor this temple was largest one in the city and greatest Njord temple in the empire.Many clans had ties with this noble temple and Ancker clan and Ek clan were officially part of the temple s elite force .Also temple had water control arts and was home of many rare creatures such as water nymphs , water pegasi and even some rare beluga water whales.

The forth temple was temple of Hamdal. It was temple of divination and it was smaller than all four temples. It still had its uses because the clear sight ability of the practitioners was really important in fogy environment. Also they Hamdal temple practitioners were core of the city guard since their sight could distinguish between truth and lile.

The fifth and final temple was temple of Tyr.It was basically warriors camp that thought young men how to fight and how to behave.It was also a gathering point for many mercenary guilds and squads and start place of many raids to Anglia.

Bjorn knew what Ivar said and responded:" Anker clan is building ships on faster rate lately ,also they bought every prime wood logs 2 months ago. Rest of clans are steady ,well Belund clan changed his head 2 months ago also.What else oh yea temple of Mirmir is recruiting scribes for rune work.They even let everyone take free classes on basic rune drawing.They are probably pressed by Anker clan since more ships means more rune work " than the old sentry continued to blabber about some other things he heard but nothing could get trough to Ivar .

"Rune working,Thats my chance" he thought and than instructed old mercenary to show him the way to the Mirmir temple.

Bjorn was startled but quickly did his duty . To hide his face Ivar had found a simple mask and had put it on.In Nordic culture masks were common and nobody took notice of him but he still had to hide his appearance anyway.

The road was made with dark limestone and was dirty because many carriages passed it. It had unpleasant smell and it was smell of shit mixed with dry earth.

Ivar was riding on a horse with Bjorn riding one near him and showing him the way .They had to climb up and go to the second lvl of the city- the markets area and no commoners could get pass this gate .Even Ivar would not be let trough but he had old sentry accompanying him . The whole trip was a bit long .Ivar needed 1 hour to go to the second lvl and another more to go to the temple.That temple was 100 km away from his house .When they passed to second lvl street tiles changed .They went from dirty limestone to shiny marble.The houses on the streets were especially beautiful with large ornaments on the roof and magnificent arts on the front doors and this was only the second lvl of the city .They passed the ancient market that was there for at least 10 000 years .Old shops were shabby to an untrained eye but if one wanted to buy the spot he would at least need 100 000 gold dragons ! And to measure the things right -one large longship with 100 benches and 200 spots for crew would be 5000 gold only.So for that small spot one would have to give a fleet !

Finaly they arrived to the temple. It was not a building that one would associate with god .But this was god of knowledge and his temple was actually a large library .That did not mean that the temple was weak , shiny runes were present on every inch of it and two gargoyles were standing in front of the large door and acting as a column .Many did not know what those things were, not even Ivar knew and he had passed trough that great door at least a dozen times.

But now with his power it was clear to him : Ancestral Guardians of the Mimir temple.While he was looking at those two great beasts one for just second blinked at him with his large grey eyes. He decided that he should not stare at things with such intense look from now on.

He hurriedly went in and searched for a scribe .

The scribes in the great library ( thats how they called the whole temple of Mirmir )were many.They were people in the pursuit of knowledge and were little bit racist towards lesser folk and by lesser they meant everybody that was not a scholar. So when Ivar found a scribe it took some time to get basic information from him.

This scribe was actually a stoic scholar and did not get the idea of the scribe recruitment .As it for one to be a scribe was an easy thing.One would need to have great memory would need to know poetry , history and literature but now their temple would force them to mingle with these lesser men that were nothing but monkeys. He refused to believe that any of the men that came to the recruitment were anything more then spoiled little nobles that knew nothing and learned nothing all their life. So when Ivar joined the party and asked for direction he decided to force him out. Many of the teachers that were going to select new scribes were unwilling to do so and he had known a prime example of that kind of teacher.He was of course thinking about teacher Halfdan .That man had a reputation that has driven many accomplished scholars away from the temple .He did not like this new recruitment policy but still had to do his part in the selection process.But these days nobody ever came to him and nobody did his test. At least this way he had some peace right now and he would in all his might expel scribes later ,Than a knock broke the silence of his cabinet .He was already mad but when he heard scribe instructing an "unsuspecting " sheep to come in. His look changed from one of anger to one of delight He would finally get to expel someone !

"Is this cabinet of the great teacher Halfdan ? I am trying to be a scribe and learn the rune work"

Ivar said as he was smiling to the old man.