Meeting the Young Prince

It was almost eleven in the morning when Chi finally opened her eyes. She almost did not want to get up with the comfortable cool sheets and the perfect mattress surrounding her body. Royalty definitely knew how to sleep in comfort.

"I need to get them to buy me this mattress for a bonus." she muttered before getting up. It felt good to get up when she felt like it. The guest room of the penthouse was better than the bedroom of her own apartment.

In fact, the penthouse would have taken two floors of her apartment building. Normally, Chi would have spent time to explore her new home for the month, however she wanted to get a good table in the cafe across the street. The reviews from Yelp! and the pictures of the food from their website showed that the ingredients were organic and local.

With a quick hot shower and putting on some comfortable clothes consisting of a bright tee shirt, gray hoodie, and Capri pants; Chi rushed to the cafe and found a nice quiet table. She spent two hours watching Netflix with her tablet, eating a grill fish sandwich with fresh cut fries, and ordering refills of homemade ginger ale. It was almost a perfect lunch - the fish was grilled about ten seconds too long and Chi swore to come back to try out the breakfast menu.

She heard that the biscuits with cherry preserves were absolutely perfect.

The rest of the afternoon was spent going to the shops of Fifth Avenue, Broadway, and Time's Square. She skipped all the luxury boutiques and went straight to the more novelty shops. A large part of her wanted to spend money in getting some new electronics, but resisted the temptation. Chi would come back later once she research to see if anything was worth buying. Today, she was going to enjoy window shopping and eating good food - like that hot dog stand at the street corner.

Chi walked leisurely for the entire afternoon before stopping to rest at a local tea shop with WiFi. Once again spending a couple hours watching episodes from her queues and drinking an ice fruit tea.

While taking a break and trying to decide if she wanted to try out the sea urchin and caviar pizza or have dinner at a dumpling eatery, Chi caught sight of a little boy.

If Chi had to be honest with herself, the boy was the most beautiful child she had ever seen. This is coming from being a PA of an international star where she had to deal with Lillian's young co-stars as well as charity events. Plus there was the Internet where every parent and grandparent love to post pictures of their children on social media accounts.

The boy looks to be four years in age and appeared to be Asian. Chi would guess Chinese but the child could be Korean. He had large double lid eyes, soft skin that was similar to the flesh of a white peach, a cute button nose, long shiny onyx hair that was done up in two buns, and wearing ancient Chinese clothing? Honestly, she would have thought this boy to be a girl except for the dark blue color and the silver embroidery of the clothing suggested to have a masculine flair.

Was the kid on his way to an audition or gig?

Normally, Chi would have turned away and return to thinking about her dinner dilemma, but it was then that the boy locked eyes with her. The hairs on the back of her neck raised as a chill ran through her veins. Her heart stopped for a second before it began to race to chase off the heavy cold feeling.

The boy's eyes irises shone in a startling lapis blue. That shade of blue on a human child's eyes practically made his skin glow. The color of blue on a child with Asian features made the little boy look like a tiny god. Someone's mom must really want him to get whatever role he was auditioning for.

"Seriously, putting contacts on a kid; just how desperate is this parent?" Chi muttered under her breath.

She was going to turn away, however the little boy did something that caught her attention again. His adorable little face change from being a blank doll to that of an arrogant young master. With his face raised by ten degrees, eyes half closed, button nose slightly wrinkled, and lips in a displease pout; Chi had the impression that the little boy was looking down at her.

It was both annoying and amusing which made a small smile form on her lips. This response did not please the little boy who was now glaring fiercely at her before sticking his nose in the air. This time Chi got the feeling that the child was demanding silently at her to come to him. She responded with a deadpan look which conveyed her answer of 'No way, little boy'. The glare intensified and the child's posture grew as straight as possible - the child was obviously trying to make himself look taller.

As amusing as it was, Chi was beginning to wonder what this child's parents were doing. A child this pretty left alone in the city was not a good idea, especially with that eye catching outfit. There are plenty of stories in the news about children being abducted and most of the endings to those stories did not end well. Maybe it was time to call the police about this.

That was when she noticed that some of the pedestrians were taking out their phones. Years of instinct took over as she grabbed her bag and rush out of the tea shop. It may be possible that some of those phones were on video, but it appeared no one actually got a clear photo when she finally stood in front of the child. As lovely as the boy was, Chi felt it was wrong to take a picture without the consent of the parents. There were plenty of Hollywood parents who dislike having their young children photographed without any prior knowledge.

"My apologies everyone. I would like you to refrain from taking any pictures, please. His mother would be upset."

This was said with a polite smile with a rather passive stance. While she shield the child with her body, Chi gave off a feeling of being earnest which made most of the crowd disperse. There were a few people who grumbled about how she should have came earlier, but soon everyone went on their way. This was New York after all, there was always something interesting happening.

Sighing in relief that everything was resolved without much problem, Chi turned to look down at the boy she protected. It was ridiculous to even consider, but the child looked to be even more stunning close up. This boy was the definition of a shota, a little bun, or whatever terms that the world would describe adorable little boys. She could feel her heart stop at the sight.

However, as much as Chi thought how super cute the boy was, there were parts of her brain that noticed something odd about him. The quality of the clothing was too high to be a costume. It looked to be worth in the thousands from the quality of the cloth to the elaborate silver embroidery. There was also the hair ornaments that were obviously hand crafted with actual jewels - nothing like costume jewelry. This was too much for just an audition.

"So you finally followed Our orders at last, repent mortal and We will grant you a pardon."

Chi blinked down as her mind went blank. As cute as the boy was, the high arrogant childish voice talking as if he was high royalty was disturbing. Was this the so-call middle school syndrome that she read about? Or was this a practice for the audition?

"We are kind enough to understand that as a mortal you lack the basic manner to Our person, but do not make Us wait. You shall serve this royal prince. Be honor, mortal for you shall be the servant to Feng Kai, Seventh Imperial Prince to the Emperor of Heaven."

Now it was starting to get weird. It was obvious to Chi that there was no audition going on. This brat was delusional. Either that or there was some sort of truth to the words. She was beginning to notice that the boy's speech was quite articulate for his age and there was an accent to his English. It was difficult to determine the origin of the accent but it was possible that the child did not live in the United States. It was possible that this child came from one of the foreign diplomats who resides in the city.

Chi was ignorant in world politics and only pay attention to the news when it concerns with Lillian and her job. For all she knew, Asia may have several small counties with strong Chinese influence and one of them decided to have relations with the United States.

Maybe this child is an actual prince. A prince who thought pretty highly of himself. Better play along until she could find his family or bodyguards.

Kneeling down, she frowned at the please look on Prince Feng Kai's face before sighing.

"My apologies, your highness. How about this mortal take you home? Where is your - I mean, where is the Royal family currently residing?" Chi questioned politely.

"Our Royal Family resides in a world superior to this mortal plane. You powerless mortals have no way to reach Our kingdom." Came the proud response.

Right, this was getting her nowhere. Somehow, Chi was getting the idea that Feng Kai must have been traumatized from being on an airplane for the first time in his tiny life. His parents better hope that he will get over this delusion of his. She could not imagine dealing with this mess for the rest of her life. Chi was going to have to figure this out herself.

"Then, your highness, what can this mortal servant do for you?"

This question pleased Feng Kai very much that he beamed in happiness and Chi almost had a heart attack at the cuteness bomb that exploded at her.

"Give this prince your name, mortal. Should you please Us, We shall ask Our Emperor Father to grant Us a boon and have you become Our personal attendant."

The words coming out of the little prince's mouth were quite condescending, but judging from the happy look on his face, Chi deduced that what he was saying was actually in good nature. The poor delusional boy thought that she would be happy to get a job as a personal attendant. Hopefully the little guy does not become too attached.

"Sure, your highness. You can call me Chi." She agreed before standing up and offering her hand for him to hold. Feng Kai stared at the hand in confusion for a minute before Chi gently reached down and grasp his hand. "What do you want to do, your highness?"

"Unhand Us! No mortal is allow to touch Our person!"

This was cried out while the prince vigorously shook his arms. The strength and power from the child surprised Chi to the point that she tighten her grip with pressure that could have crush a child's hand. However little Feng Kai was not protesting about the pain of the grip but the fact that someone dared to touch his hand. Chi quickly released his hand and knelt down again to calm him down.

"Your highness, are you okay?"

"How dare you touch Our person!"

Now Chi was beginning to become impatient, but she had to silently admit that the wrong was hers. She should have asked first before taking his hand. These days, anyone could be considered a child molester even if a person was only trying to help. One can never be too careful when it comes to children. It would not look good as Lillian's PA that she gets caught making a child cry.

"My apologies, your highness. I should have asked for your permission."

"Hmpf! We suppose this prince shall pardon you mortal for your ignorance."

"Thank you for your pardon, your highness." Chi drawled with a flat look. Her thanks once again pleased the little prince before he frowned.

"Mortal, you should address Us as your prince."

Chi could feel her eyebrows rising in disbelief. So young and already the little prince was trying to conscript her into becoming one of his people. Were his delusions causing this brat into believing that he could order people to become his citizens? From the lessons she took with Lillian on royalty etiquette, outsiders cannot call foreign rulers as 'my king' or 'my queen'. Such addresses were only meant for the honor of citizens. This kid was going to need years of therapy to get his head out of the clouds.

"Your highness, may I take your hand?" she asked, ignoring the previous order. There was only so much a child should be allowed to be humored.

"Mortal, We are your prince. Why should We allow a mortal touch Our person?"

"So I don't lose you to the mass of mortals who will touch your person and mostly without your consent."

This caused Feng Kai to pause and process Chi's words. While she waited for the little prince to find some sense, Chi took out her smartphone and started texting to one of the ex members of the wedding committee. Hopefully with their connections to an ambassador, she would be able to figure out who Feng Kai's family is. By the time she finished texting, Feng Kai finally made his decision.

"We have decided to give the honor to hold Our hand. However as you are given this honor, mortal, you must call Us as 'my prince' and you must lead Us to a feast. Our royal brothers have told Us many tales on how poor mortal food is. As the mortal We have chosen, you must give Us a feast."

"Okay, my prince," Chi carelessly agreed as she quickly took his hand and started to walk with her smartphone still in her other hand. With the ease of long practice, she used her thumb to find a restaurant that was close enough with quality food.

Fast food was out of the question. The greasy food would upset the little prince's system. She should probably skip any family restaurants. Also, it would be better to stick with something that is familiar to him - Asian foods. Also, she once heard that young children often at times dislike meat due to the smell. Plus she met plenty of super rich mothers who were fanatics about the types of diets that their children should be on.

Safest bet would be to find a vegan restaurant. Not only was it healthy, there was a good chance that the ingredients would be organic and the place she just found was a Chinese vegan shop called the Lotus Vegan. Thankfully only about two blocks from their current location. As cruel as it was to make the child walk, it was better than taking a taxi or an uber.

The walk mostly consists of Feng Kai asking questions about their surroundings and Chi patiently answering him.

"What is that artifact in your hands, mortal? Why do all these mortals have them?"

"This is a smartphone, my prince. Everyone has them to connect with the world."

"Those covered carts that move without help or qi, how can they move like that?"

"Those are vehicles, my prince. They move due to energy created by machinery and gasoline - a liquid that causes combustion."

"Why do you mortals have such ugly palaces? You have no forests or mountains or rivers. It also smells bad."

"We just have bad taste as mortals, my prince."

By the time they reached the Lotus Vegan, Chi felt that they had created a tiny bond. This was slightly bad, but once she finds out which family Feng Kai belongs, she was pretty sure she could still keep in contact with him as a princess's PA. The little prince was now smiling happily and even swung his arm around while holding her hand. It appears that he was getting used to touching a 'mortal's' hand.

The Lotus Vegan was a small two story restaurant with rather simple decor. However despite the small size, the owners design the place with wide windows, warm honey color paint, hanging baskets full of green scentless plants, and mason jar hanging lights. The furniture was plain with wooden chairs with leather padded seats, wooden tables, and several four person booths. All in all, it was warm, simple, and clean.

The smells coming from the open kitchen were fragrant and lack the heavy oily smell that most Chinese restaurants had. Good, maybe this place could satisfy this rich brat's tongue.

Feng Kai remarked how 'poor' the place was but was surprised that it was so clean. Chi decided to order many dishes to trick the little prince into thinking she gave him a feast. She had ordered vegan style egg rolls, spring rolls, seaweed salad, rainbow salad, spinach and tofu soup, vegetable rice noodles, gourmet fried rice, curry fried rice, curry vegetables, spicy potato curry, sesame eggplant with tofu, stir fry vegetables, the house rice claypot, and Asian stew. She ordered the wide eyed waiter to give them a pot of green tea and a glass of orange juice as beverages.

At first the prince was pleased with the number of dishes that were ordered, but soon grew impatient as minutes passed without any food prepared for them. To keep him quiet, Chi took out her tablet and her spare Bluetooth earbuds. She explained what the earbuds do before she put them in the little boy's ear and soon the two of them were watching a popular children's animated movie that completely enchanted Feng Kai.

He complained when Chi took the tablet when the food arrived and would have created a royal tantrum if she had not pointed out that the deal was a feast - not entertainment. That made him silent as he recalled the deal and Chi quickly served the soup.

"Drink your soup, my prince. I'll let you watch the rest of the movie when we order dessert."

Throughout the feast, Feng Kai kept asking questions about movies and soon learned about television shows, cartoons, and animation. Chi once again answered all of his questions to the best of her abilities. The feast was tolerable to the young prince who complained that mortal food was nothing like the food he had at home, but she noticed that he kept urging her to keep serving him more food.

For a child of four, the brat certainly could eat. In fact, he ate most of the food. It should not be healthy for a kid to overeat like that.

Through out the dinner, Chi kept checking her smartphone for any response to her texts. By the time they finished dessert, she was starting to panic about what to do next. There was no response to her texts about Feng Kai and the little prince had answered all her repeated questions about his current residence being in his father's kingdom. Was she going to have to put this little prince up in the penthouse?

This is slowly leading her into becoming a kidnapper.

"My prince!"

They were leaving the Lotus Vegan hand in hand when someone shouted for Feng Kai. The person calling for the young prince was a very pretty man. A pretty Asian man who looked like he stepped out of some martial arts drama. However, Chi raised her guard and pulled the boy behind her. Dangerous people can be pretty too.

"Hmpf. It appears Our guard has found Us."

Chi sighed in relief. She was now no longer responsible for taking care of a young prince. Thank god she was not going to create an international incident that could ruin Lillian's beginning as a princess.

"Well, your highness, it looks like our little date is coming to an end." Chi states with a small smile. This made Feng Kai narrow his eyes in disgruntlement.

"We have order you, mortal, to address Us as 'your prince'. You are to become Our personal attendant."

"Sure, your highness. I'll be your personal attendant in my next life." she answered lazily as they waited for the prince's guard to come over. A ring rang out from her phone and she looked down to check the incoming text. She blinked in surprise at the text stating that there was no Asian prince called Feng Kai or any Asian royalty currently residing in New York.

Turning to look back at the prince to question just who the hell he was, her eyes caught sight of a man rushing at them with a large bladed weapon. It looked like a fancy machete. Chi froze for a moment before she jerk Feng Kai towards the guard who was hollering for the prince, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from the armed maniac.

Crazy was the first thought that came to her mind in describing the person who was about to attack her. Scary was the next from the wide red shot eyes. Dirty was the third thought due to the dark stains on his clothing. When he grinned and his arm blurred in motion towards her head, Chi knew she was dead.

Pain was the last feeling; a child screaming her name was the last thing she heard; and blackness was the last thing she saw before her mind went blank.

At 8:54 PM on a late summer Tuesday, Chi Yuen was murdered via decapitation by a mad man who screamed about destroying inhuman creatures. A young prince and his guard slipped away without anyone noticing them.