Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

When Chi woke up for the third time, she was strong enough to stand and take in her surroundings. The view took her breath away. She had vague memories of what she saw before and now Chi understood that those whiny maids must have doped her with something because what was before her was unbelievable.

This place she was in looked endless. Rows of perfectly made book shelves in dark mahogany wood stretched out to the horizon. The ceiling was a like a clear pale golden sky. There were no lights but it seems that ceiling glowed that her vision was not impaired. She could not see the walls to this place much less a door. This place looked like it was at least ten miles from center to border. That is if where she stood was the center.

Did she really rolled a least a mile on the floor?

"Holy shit." she whispered under her breath. Feeling a bit weak at the enormity of her situation, Chi quick sat on the chair with more force than necessary. The chair did not even creak at her weight.

Well, it looks like whatever slimmed her up also made her lighter.

"Yea. Maybe I can eat what I want without..."

Suddenly Chi realized that she had missed something really important. Closing her eyes, she took a mental inventory of her body. First she patted her stomach, then down to where her bladder would be located before finally wiggling her butt. This was odd. This was really odd.

Chi knew how well her body works about seventy percent of the time. She could guess when her period was coming without tracking it, how long she can usually last without eating, and that she always needed to pee when she wakes up from sleeping. After waking up from sleep twice already, her bladder should have been bursting by now.

Instead, she felt no urge to void her bladder or any other waste from her body. As for hunger, Chi was not feeling any hunger pains yet however she was feeling a bit thirsty.

Did whatever made her body look better also made it so she did not need to do the basic daily functions? Does her body have organs anymore?

Pressing her body a little more firmly, Chi tried to feel for something other than muscle and fat. However she could not tell if the slight bumps on her abdomen were more muscles or her kidneys.

"Well, at least I won't have to worry about going to the bathroom."

With those thoughts resolved for the time being, Chi took a closer look at the tablet in front of her. When she first saw the table, only the legs and the bottom of the table were available to her. Now she could see that the top of the table consists of a beautiful slab of marble jade that was cool to the touch. On top of that was the stone lamp and a cup made up by a section of green bamboo with a pleasant scent. Next to that was a large white porcelain jug, its simple yet elegant design made it appear to be a work of art. A plate of white peaches propped in a pyramid was at the center of the table with a sealed wine jar behind it.

Looking into the contents of the jugs, Chi determined that it contained water from the look and lack of smell.

"Okay, food and water."

She pour a small amount of water into the cup and took a careful sip. The taste was both bracing and refreshing. It was colder than ice water and the feel of it was intense against her tongue. She could feel the water going down her throat and into her belly. From there, the water seem to turn into energy and just flowed throughout her body.

"Damn, that is some good water." she murmured and poured a full cup. Taking it into sips due to the intense cold, Chi mused at the taste of it. While filter water from the tap was good enough, she could still taste a bit of the minerals and chemicals from the waterways. Bottle water was gross to her and Lillian due to the added minerals companies use for 'taste' that Chi often just brought a tote filled with travel mugs of filter water from home.

This water had a taste so pure that it was unreal. There was no aftertaste - not even from the bamboo. This water would be great for ice tea. Chi took a side look at the peaches before sighing.

"No knife. I guess I should use my hands."

Taking one of the peaches, she slowly tore it piece by piece. She dropped each piece into the cup before pouring in more water. Licking the juice off of her hands, Chi waited for the crush pieces of peach to infuse with the water. As she washed her hands with a small amount of water, she saw where the messy pit once lay was a whole peach.

An idea formed in her head and Chi checked into the contents of the jug to see that the water level was still filled to the top. Apparently this library was a magical place where water and peaches are endless. That solves her food and water problems if her body still requires substance.

Are her teeth going to be okay without brushing them?

Dismissing that chilling thought, Chi turned her attention to the sealed jar. It was about the height of a two liter bottle and twice as wide. From the feel of it, the material was made of stone that was cool to the touch. It was probably quite heavy and Chi was curious about its contents but decided to ignore it. With a magical library, there were bound to be something troublesome and a sealed jar is obviously something troublesome.

Taking her peach infuse water, Chi got up to look at the books and scrolls in the bookshelves. However at the first sip of the peach infused water, Chi nearly fell on her knees at the taste. She remembered how the juice on her hands had tasted. Light, sweet, and practically danced on her tongue was the taste of the white peach.

Now combined with the water from the jug, the taste of the peach juice from the crush pieces was enhance to a whole another level. Instead of watering the taste of peach, it evolved it. The icy cold from the water made the sweetness of the peach clear and bright on her tongue. The lightness of the peach juice in turn made the water feel less dense on her tongue. It almost made it feel like she was drinking cold air.

With so many sensations assaulting her tongue, Chi could feel fireworks exploding in her brain. It was like the adrenaline in her body was soaring through her veins causing her to feel lightheaded. Her insides were dancing and jumping, tears were streaming down her eyes, and her breathing was coming in hysterical gasps; it made her feel like she was taking some high grade recreational drugs.

Chi started to scream and laugh. The force and intensity of this reaction caused her land heavily to the ground - belly first. At least she managed to keep the cup from spilling and she rolled away from it so her hysterical reaction would not knock it down. Her hands slapped and her legs kicked at the ground and air with so much force that the sounds echoed through out the area.

The funny part of it was that a part of her mind was detached from it all. She could feel the power of the blows from her limbs, the rush of energy that churned throughout her veins, the inability to keep quiet because her mind was open to everything, and the strain that her body was under to contain everything. It felt like it was going to continue on and on.

However Chi could feel a countdown going in the background.




In an instant, Chi stopped her hysterics. Her breathing was harsh like she ran a two hundred meter dash in under five seconds. The muscles on her face hurt from the amount of work it suffered from her laughing and she could feel her vocal chords were raw from the screaming.

"Holy shit." she croaked and placed a hand on her chest where a fast pulse could be felt. It felt like she went on the world's longest roller coaster ride. The kind of roller of coaster that just goes from zero to a hundred in less than two seconds.

Staring at the still full cup, Chi briefly wondered if she should just throw the concoction away. As fun and scary her reaction was, it was obvious to Chi that the peaches and water had something other than the basic atoms in a periodic chart. However, there was really nothing to do and she was going to be bored without any type of media on hand. While there are books on hand, she had a feeling that they would written in ancient Chinese - something Chi had no experience in understanding.

So, continue the crazy fun or try to read something with possibly zero pictures?

Chi reached for the cup.


After finishing the sixteenth cup of peach fused water, Chi felt the crazy aftereffects had died down to that of a buzz. She now can finish a cup with only her blood singing and with herself feeling hyper. As fun as it was by acting like a maniac, Chi was glad that she was getting use to her makeshift concoction.

Between each cup, she experimented by abstaining from drinking it for several periods of time. Chi based the amount of time on the amount of books she browsed through. The longest amount of time was when she cleared about ten shelves and that was because she grew bored. She had not experience any headaches, chills, or sweats that should come from withdraw so far; therefore Chi concluded that the water and peaches did not contain anything addictive.

"Mamma mia, here I go again! My, my - how can I resist ya!" she sang as her hips moved to the beat.

The long endless time in the library was slowly driving Chi crazy to the point that she started to sing anything and everything that she could possibly remember. Unfortunately for Chi, her singing was not very pleasing to the ear. She could be in tune about sixty percent of the time, but her ears had been trained to learn perfect pitch from playing the violin as a child and that made her cringe every time she was out of tune.

It was surprising to Chi that she could remember so many songs now when in her previous life she could barely remember the chorus to the top hits of the month. She sang just about every genre including opera. It started out with Frank Sinatra which turn into Nat King Cole. Then it came the Ray Charles which lead her to Kanye West who reminded Chi about Taylor Swift who did several collaborations with other artists that included Ed Sheridan. Ed Sheridan reminded her of Shawn Mendes who lead her to BTS. The Korean pop boy group led Chi into a black hole of Korean pop, Japanese pop, and even Chinese pop that lasted quite a while before she finally went to Broadway.

While singing, she danced which involves her moving to the beat in a rhythmical fashion verses having any sort of technique. Chi was happy that she could dance around without anyone seeing. She once dance in front of the bathroom mirror and found her dancing to be displeasing.

However singing and dancing can only waste so much time, and Chi knew that if she did not find something worthwhile to do, she was going to go insane. Going to a shelf, she picked up a scroll and admired the workmanship of the thin slabs of wood and the calligraphy that was craved onto them. With her extremely limited knowledge in Chinese; Chi could read only a few characters that she could recognized. There was the character for man on one slab, the character for sight was a couple characters down from that, there is heaven and year together, and - hey! She could read the next five easily. They were the characters for fire, water, metal, wood, and earth.

Suddenly, the scroll in her hands burst into fire. Chi gave a pathetically weak scream before dropping it. For several long moments, she stared at the burning scroll in horror before she lifted her robe up to her knees and started to stomp on the fire. A fire in a library is a bad thing. Mostly because Chi still has no idea where the exit was to this place.

"Shit, shit, shit," she panted as her feet kept on furiously stomping, "Don't spread, don't spread!"

Luckily, the fire died down, but the scroll had turned into ash and soon Chi was coughing from breathing it in. She rushed back to the table and drank three cups of water before the taste of ash was out of her tongue.

"Magical Library, if you want me to be your librarian, don't send me kamikaze scrolls! Send me an invitation and a map to the magical elevator that will lead me back to civilization." Chi begged up to the ceiling. "Or a map to the English section."

Her pleas were ignored.

Sighing, Chi slumped in the chair and began doodling on the table with some spilled water. What was she going to do? If only she had her tablet. That thin flat piece of heaven would allow her to access the Internet and Chi could spend days or even weeks just watching movies, television shows, reading all sorts of novels and fanfiction, and listening to music.

If she could, Chi would go into her iTunes account and start watching 'Deadpool'. Right now, she needed a good dose of vulgar humor, action, and Morena Baccarin. Closing her eyes, Chi could imagine the credits rolling from Marvel and 20th Century Fox. Juice Newton's 'Angel of the Morning' began sweetly playing in her ears as the opening credits appeared before her eyes - in amazing high definition. Wow, her imagination is so much better than the ultra 4k flat screen of that prince's penthouse.

Opening her eyes, Chi saw that her imagination did not stop. She was really watching the movie and hearing the audio. She thought that it would be nice if it could pause and it did!

Gulping her disbelief, she slapped her face a couple of times and felt the stinging pain. The movie was still in front of her - a screen that was calibrated perfectly to her eyes for maximum effect and viewing pleasure. When she focused her eyes else where, the screen actually minimized to the upper right corner of her sight like a mini window. She thought play and the movie started to play again even as a mini window. It was like a picture on picture in her mind.

"Can I access the rest of my account?" Chi wondered with excitement bubbling in her chest. This must the so-called cheat that she read about in web novels and manga. She did not know how she got it, but if this cheat will allow her to access her iTunes account who cares!

Thus, Chi began the long task of working out this cheat of her.


The bright and noble music of Handel Messiah's 'Hallelujah' blared out in Chi's mind. While this was going on, she was doing an extremely bad job imitating Michael Jackson's moonwalk. However she was too happy to care at her lack of coordination.

She has access to the Internet.

She has access to the Internet and her iTunes account.

She has access to the Internet, her iTunes account, and her Netflix account.

She has access to the Internet, her iTunes account, her Netflix account, and her Amazon account.

She has access to the Internet, her iTunes account, her Netflix account, Amazon account, and everything else in the world.

Chi could literally access to any streaming service available to the Internet and get VIP treatment - all without paying a single cent. Her cheat allowed her to browse through any website in her old world with a couple of restrictions. One was that she was unable to communicate anything either through email, chat, or social media. This was due to the fact that she could not access her accounts and that her cheat prevented her from creating new ones. Another was that she could not buy anything online. That made sense since Chi was currently in some magical library with no exit.

Oh well, Chi was okay with that. She now has access to at least a thousand years worth of entertainment to keep her occupied. Just as she was about to start binge watching one of America's number one long running comedies, a window popped up in her view.

"Weird, what's this Basic Level Spirit Qi Flow?" she mused, reading the simple introduction before looking over the steps. It looked to be some sort of breathing and moving exercise. The explanation stated that it was the very first step to leading to a healthy level of Qi and an important step to the Heavenly Flowing Spirit Qi Arts.

The steps include breathing while moving one's spirit qi through a certain way in their body. It looked like complete bullshit, but Chi judged it to be some sort of zen exercise. Figuring that it would not hurt to try it, she went ahead and started the breathing. The movements of her breathing gave an effect that was soothing and Chi felt her body relaxing and conforming itself into a comfortable state.

However it was boring for her mentally to do this only, so Chi pulled up the first episode of the television she planned on watching. And as she continue to watch episode after episode, her body continued to do the exercise.