Cleaning Service 101

As the old man walks in, I took a glance, and *drool*. So many, many stacks of gold bars. I'm rich! Oh, and there's also a pile of normal looking stone, but since it's in here, it can't be a normal stones. I'll check that out later.

The old man strolls over to an empty spot next to the pile of stones, and placed me down. He took a couple more glances at me, like he wants to see through me, but all I want is for him to go shoo shoo. He finally sighed and turned around to stroll out. With a wave of his hands, the double doors closed right behind him. Then, there seems to be some enchantment being done as the door glowed with a golden glow before restoring to silence.

And finally, it has come. Clone Pro #1 infiltration success. The godly thief- *cough* diplomat shall now receive his bribes. If I had hands and could drool, I don't think I would be able to stop my drool from turning in a river. Just the nearby treasures are already making me drool, let alone the ones stored deeper in.

Let's first check out this pile of stone next to me. I crawled over and pulled one into my body.

[Host has absorbed a Low-Grade Spirit Stone. Host has gained 1000 cultivation for {Colorless Emperor's Rainbow Mountain}.]

Oh lord. It's time for my power spike! I knew it's about time! There's about 20 Spirit Stones here. That's probably enough for me to break through! Time to absorb! I hop into the pile of stone...

[Host has absorbed a Low-Grade Spirit Stone. Host has gained 1000 cultivation for {Colorless Emperor's Rainbow Mountain}.] ...

[Host's {Colorless Emperor's Rainbow Mountain} has gained a level. Main host has gained an additional 10 Max Usable Qi.]


After absorbing 20 stones, I finally hit Orange grade. Instead of gaining 10 Qi, I actually gained 100 Qi! The experience required for next level also increased though. Also, an orange glow surrounds my slime body, and my body actually turned orange! Welp, now I know where the red on my body came from, but I thought my cultivation manual would make my Qi colorless? I guess it doesn't work on a slime body? (o.O)>

But still hahahahaa! Finally just like a real protagonist! No time to check my stats for now! Time to scourge for treasure!

First things first, in order to take in all these *ahem* bribes, I must expand my inventory space. I looked around the rectangular space from my spot, and I noticed around 10 storage bags further in towards the end along with a ring on a pedestal. I hopped over happily, and like any "righteous" being would do, I eat what I'm offered.

[Host has absorbed a Low-grade Spacial Storage Bag. Host's ability {Spacial Storage} has gained 50% progress.]

Oh, so stingy. But fine, one's not enough? Then I'll stuff you with more until you're full! Humph!

[Host has absorbed a Low-grade Spacial Storage Bag. Host's ability {Spacial Storage} has gained 50% progress.]

[Host's ability {Spacial Storage} has leveled up. Host has gained an 1 slot for storage.]

Only one. *sigh* What about this ring? I hopped onto the pedestal and absorbed the ring.

[Host has absorbed Mid-grade Spacial Storage Ring. Host's ability {Spacial Storage} has gained 500% progress.]

[Host's ability {Spacial Storage} has leveled up. Host has gained an 5 slot for storage.]

Ohhh~ there it is! Too bad there's only one. Let's absorb the rest of these bags as well. After I was done absorbing the bags, my spacial storage description was:

[Spacial Storage] Level : 11 {0%}

This ability's level can be increased through absorbing, consuming, or sacrificing treasures with spacial quality. Each level increase will increase the spatial storage size by 1 slots. As long as there is slots left, this spacial storage can store any non-living things. It can also store deceased organisms. Host cannot store himself. Stack-able items can be stacked up to 99 per slot. Items can be stored by touching the item and retrieved with a simple thought. Items inside storage will be released if host perishes.

Current slots used : 0/15

Current items: {Empty}

Perfect, this should be more than enough. Let's start sweeping up all these gold.

[Host has stored 87 {Bar of Gold} into the {Spacial Storage}.]

[Host has stored 187 {Bar of Silver} into the {Spacial Storage}.]

[Spacial Storage] Level : 11 {0%}

Current slots used : 3/15

Current items: {Bar of Gold (87)} {Bar of Silver (99)} {Bar of Silver (88)}

Ahahaha! I'm rich boi now! One must know that each bar of the currency is worth 100 of the currency itself!

Alright, although there's only 5 treasures that are not the Miao Clan's special treasure, let's store them all. I hopped on each of the 5 pedestals and stored each of the treasures.

[Host has stored a {Qi Spike Gun} into the {Spacial Storage}.]

[Host has stored a {Random Teleportation Talisman} into the {Spacial Storage}.]

[Host has stored a {Wind Wolf's Boots} into the {Spacial Storage}.]

[Host has stored a {Wind Wolf's Cloak} into the {Spacial Storage}.]

[Host has stored a {Earth Dragon's Fang} into the {Spacial Storage}.]

Alright, I'll let my main body check on these later! As for those herbs lining almost everywhere, hehehe! Although I can't store them all because they will take different slots if they are different, since the Miao Clan was so nice to "pay" me so much money, I'll gladly offer them my Cleaning Service 101. I guarantee that I will clean this place until it's squeaky clean! Hahahah! I hopped over and started to absorb all the herbs.

[Host has absorbed a {100 Year Old Ginseng}. Host's blood has been revitalized. Host has gained ability {Divine Blood Rebirth}].

[Divine Blood Rebirth] Level : 1

This ability's level can be increased by consuming Qi-Infused herbs or treasures that enhance the blood. Each level increase in this ability will grant host +1 Blood Cell Regeneration. Every 10 level of this ability will grant a special perk.

Progress Towards Next Level: 0/1000

Current Blood Cell Regen Boost: +1

Current Special Perks: {None}

Ahahaha! It's here! An actual regeneration rate boost! I will become invincible! Thank you Mr.Aura! Let's absorb all these herbs, should get it up a couple of levels.

[Host has absorbed {100 Year Old Mandrake}. Host's ability {Divine Blood Rebirth} has gained 100 points towards next level.]

[Host has absorbed {10 Year Old Peppermint}. Host's ability {Divine Blood Rebirth} has gained 10 points towards next level.]

---2 Hours Later---

[Divine Blood Rebirth] Level : 6

This ability's level can be increased by consuming Qi-Infused herbs or treasures that enhance the blood. Each level increase in this ability will grant host +1 Blood Cell Regeneration. Every 10 level of this ability will grant a special perk.

Progress Towards Next Level: 3300/6000

Current Blood Cell Regen Boost: +6

Current Special Perks: {None}

Welp, I don't feel much different, but I guess there was something that changed right?! Maybe I have to cut myself to- no, scratch that thought, I can't think like what Mr.Aura wants me to think like.

Alright, it looks perfect in hear now, so clean that most parts are sparkly sparkling. Heh. I'm sure the Miao Clan Head would be very happy when he sees this. You don't have to thank me though, it's my job and as a "righteous", honest man, I must do my job thoroughly, but my Cleaning Services 101 won't come back in a while because you'll need time to "dirty" this place.

And obviously, as one who sees my job through, I must not forget the last "mess" that requires me to "clean".