"Now, to answer your question from before about the items I want you find, the items in question are gate key shards."

"Long ago, when I first became a god, all the habitable planets in the Star Galaxy were connected by a special teleportation system of world gates which allowed one to travel from planet to planet. However half a million years ago a calamity befell the Star Galaxy and during the ensuing chaos the system collapsed causing the powerful gate keys to shatter and spread across their respective worlds. These gate key shards although only holding a small portion of their original power are still frightful strong and over the course of time have fallen into the hands of the strongest monsters on each planet who have reached the monster rank of WORLD BOSS."

"In order for you to travel to another planet you will need to defeat, steal, or outwit these WORLD BOSS's in order to obtain their gate key shards. After you have collected all the shards merge them and form a whole key. Use the whole key to find the interplanetary gate. Once you find the gate you will be able to travel to the next planet in the gate's system, but apparently for safety purpose's the original maker of the system designed each gate to have a built-in level requirement to restrict gate usage."

"Goldstar's world gate level requirement is level 100, however my advice is that you wait until you are well pass level 100 before you even think about collecting the gate key shards."

"Now, do you understand your task, all you have to do to pass is collect the gate key shards, combine them and reactivate the gate's on all of the planets in the teleportation system. Any questions?"

"How strong is a WORLD BOSS?"

"Strong, really strong, for a monster to become a WORLD BOSS there are several requirement such as be older than 100,000yrs old and have a minimum level of 3 digits, but the most terrifying thing about a WORLD BOSS is that since they have managed to live for so long they tend to have gained intelligence and cunning that has far surpassed the level of humans."

"So let me get this straight, you want me to collect several gate key shards from various super powerful monster who have lived for over a 100 centuries, then combine then and activate some long lost gateway system?"



Excellent, well on the far side of the valley you will find the exit, it has a level requirement lock on it set at level 20 in case you get any crazy idea of leaving before you reach a suitable level 20."

"Is level 20 high?"

"The average level of Goldstar's inhabitants is level 10-12. Most Kingdoms soldiers are around level 15. Highly skilled Adventurers usually start around level 20, so reaching level 20 will make you a skilled individual amongst most people. ELITE Individuals are around the mid 30's. Most of the strongest kingdoms have a few powerful heroes who are around the mid 70's while they are protected secretly by a few old monsters who have managed to reach the early to mid 90's."

"So that means those who manage to reach level 100 would possess a unimaginable amount of power allowing them to do whatever they want."

"On Goldstar they would certainly have the run of the town. If you manage to reach level 100, crushing a few kingdoms will be completely effortless for you. However on the next planet, Yin-Yang Star, things are quite different. The people of Yin-Yang Star grow at a much faster rate with an average level of 30, over 25% of the population will reach level 100 by the age of 25. Needless to say being level 100 on Yin-Yang Star will make you only slightly above-average. Do you understand now?"

