
Howling once more, the Watermelon Wolf Kings cry echoed through the woods for several seconds, hanging in the air with the haughtiness of a mighty BOSS monster. A few moments passed, as the terrifying howl continuously lingered in the air, before several more howls resounded within the depths of the forest, answering the Watermelon Wolf Kings summons.

Within moments, an even greater number of Watermelon Wolves arrived, having answer the call of their King, and now tightly encircled the Red Berry Rabbit herd, leaving not even the slightest gap to escape from.

Standing atop the small stony bluff overlooking the field of battle, the Watermelon Wolf King surveyed the terrified Red Berry Rabbits, a look of arrogant disdain for this weak prey appeared within his mighty eyes, while he exuded an aura of complete confidence in himself.

After pausing only for a moment, with a commanding howl, the Watermelon Wolf King ordered his wolf pack to begin the slaughter of the herd of trapped Red Berry Rabbit monsters.

On the command of the Watermelon Wolf King, the pack of Watermelon Wolves instantly sprung into action, launching their attack. Acting from long experience, a few Watermelon Wolves charged out from random directions, like high-speed meat grinders they left only carnage in their wake, leaving limbs and various other body parts scattered across the ground, before returning to the Watermelon Wolf pack's tight encirclement. Upon their return, another Watermelon Wolf would simultaneously charge out from a random direction, like a relay team passing a baton of slaughter, from one wolf to another.

Watching from atop the wide tree branch, as the pack of Watermelon Wolves attacked the rabbit monsters with gluttonous fury, Salvatore silently thanked GOD for his cautious nature, which had urged him to remain hidden, as he calmly watched the Watermelon Wolves, use their vicious fanged jaws and razor sharp claws to cleave the Red Berry Rabbits into pieces, savagely tearing them limb from limb. While observing the slaughter, he noticed that although the same golden glow appeared, when a Watermelon Wolf killed a Red Berry Rabbit, no items or coins would drop.

Finally after 10 or so Red Berry Rabbit monsters had perished, in a similarly horrifying manner, the moment he had been waiting for finally arrived, as the rabbits monsters reached the peak of terror, causing them to act upon the instinct of a trapped animal with nothing to lose. Going berserk, the entire herd of Red Berry Rabbits began to rapidly stomp their feet, before they crazily launched themselves at the encircling wall of Watermelon Wolves, desperate to find even a sliver of hope for survival.

As the Red Berry Rabbit monster squealed in crazed fury, they attacked each Watermelon Wolf in large groups of 5 and 6, their eyes glowing red with pure madness as they desperately fought for their survival, trying to use sheer numbers to overcome the watermelon wolves higher level.

Having waited for this exact moment, Salvatore casted his [Fire Cloak] magic skill while grasping his iron dagger firmly in his hand. As the intense flames roared to life covering him in several thick layers of fire, within moment the intense flames had caused the iron blade to glow with a bright orange color, showing it had reached the perfect temperature to inflict serious damage, while the purple paste he had earlier coated the blade with turned darker, growing even more toxic from the intense heat.

Gripping the dagger firmly with both hands, he leaped down from the high tree branch, focusing all of his weight into the single point of his dagger, as he plummeted from almost 50 feet in the air, aiming for a Watermelon Wolf directly beneath him.

Although the blade of his dagger upon initial contact with the level 7 Watermelon Wolfs skull felt some resistance, this only lasted for the briefest of instances before it yielded to his blazing red hot blade, for with the momentum of the fall, combined with him skillfully focusing all of his weight towards the daggers tip, as well as the high temperature of the blade, he had acquired more than enough force to easily pierce through the wolfs natural armor-like fur, before penetrating deeply into the fleshy depths of its stone hard skull.

With the searing sound of flesh being burnt, Salvatore plunged his flaming orange dagger all the way to the hilt, into the depths of the Watermelon Wolfs vulnerable pink brain, instantly killing it, causing a bright, 4-digit, negative yellow number [-1,401] to appear above its head as it fell to the ground covered in a golden sea of sparkles, as shining items materialized in the air, dropping along with it as it collapsed to the ground, while a thick strand of golden mist poured into his body.

Letting go of the dagger as he flipped through the air, landing lightly, without the slightest hesitation he continued the flow of his attack, flawlessly discharging a [Fire Bullet] between the eyes of a crazed Red Berry Rabbit, that lunged towards him insanely, while he expertly withdrew his lodged dagger from the dead Watermelon Wolfs skull with a skillful twist, before spinning sideways while using [Blink] continuously to quickly rise once more 50 feet into the air.

Upon reaching the apex of 50 feet, he plunged downward once more, like a deadly flaming human spear, precisely targeting the head of a second Watermelon Wolf, that was desperately trying to shake of some crazed Red Berry Rabbits, psychotically clinging to it with their sharp teeth, while also trying to fend off several others berserking Red Berry Rabbits.

He was forced to employ this dangerous method, despite the excessive amount of strain it exerted on his skeletal structure, because it was the only way he could deal enough damage, to one-hit kill the common Watermelon Wolves, with his current level 0 stats.

And although he could have slowly dealt damage from atop the tree branch, he knew a drawn-out battle would only be in favor of the Watermelon Wolves, for once they had dealt with the rest of the Red Berry Rabbits, they would be able to use their superior numbers to overwhelm him.

This skillful technique, of utilizing the force of gravity to increase the penetrating power of his dagger, by rising high into the air before plummeting downward like a heaven sent flaming bolt of death, was a simplified derivative of a method he had devised in order to gain entry into an Everlast bunker, which held a hiding militant national president and his military staff, which he had decided to eliminate, after he had discovered how twisted he was, possessing a sick passion for amputating the limbs of little boys, in order to promote an erection.

Except instead of falling from 50 feet in order to stab into a 1 inch thick Watermelon Wolfs skull, Salvatore had jumped out of a private jet from 30,000 feet in the air, in order to pierce thru 1,000 feet of reinforced Steel-X, a military grade alloy so strong, that a 1/2 inch of it had the same tensile strength of a 100 foot thick slab of chromium. Needless to say, he was quite surprised when Salvatore dropped in, holding the presidents favorite blood encrusted bone saw.