Rear Access?

Accepting the futility of attempting to damage the Watermelon Wolf King externally with his current strength, Salvatore realized his only means of victory would require him to utilized underhanded "All or Nothing Tactics," (ANT) a means of battle he abhorred.

Still the Watermelon Wolf King had deservedly earned his ire, having the sheer audacity to force him to run himself ragged in order to escape the doom his sharp claws and fangs promised. For such a crime, Salvatore swore he would make him suffer a slow, agonizing death. But first he would have to "level the playing field" as it were.

Wearing a malevolent grin of pure evil, as he slid pass the Watermelon Wolf Kings rear legs he swiftly reached out, firmly grabbing onto the Watermelon Wolf Kings thick bushy tail. Gripping it firmly with his left hand, he used it as leverage to perform a perfect dragon flag, flipping onto the back of the sliding Watermelon Wolf King while pulling it towards himself, fully exposing the Watermelon Wolf Kings large, pink, rosebud.

Seeing the Watermelon Wolf Kings defenseless rosebud, Salvatore's evil grin widened, stretching from ear to ear across his face as he quickly lashed out stabbing his dagger several times into the depths of the pink puckered rosebud.

The exact moment his blade struck true, the Watermelon Wolf King unleashed an ungodly yowl of pure agony, as its rear end was mercilessly invaded by Salvatore's sadistic dagger.

Firmly gripping the sides of the Watermelon Wolf King with his legs, Salvatore quickly placed his dagger in, then pulled out from his [Spatial Storage] the square of fur with the last of the purple paralysis paste, then lightning fast shoved it into the bleeding pink rectum of the Watermelon Wolf King.

Once he had fully crammed the wad of purple paste into the depths of the gaping rosebud, he instantly casted [Fire Bullet] pointblank, effectively sealing the Watermelon Wolf Kings rosebud forever.

Of course the Watermelon Wolf King wasn't simply standing still for Salvatore to desecrate his anus, but Salvatore had moved with such precision and speed that he managed to complete these action in the blink of an eye, just barely finishing before the first buck of the Watermelon Wolf King tossed him off, high into the air.

Spinning thru the air, he made a long arc, skillfully manipulating his center of gravity with a few twists as he soared thru the air almost 100ft before expertly landing smoothly like a cat on his feet, crouching, then shooting off like an uncoiled spring he ran without the slightest pause, sparing a single glance back at the Watermelon Wolf King while he fled in the direction of a dense copse of trees.

Meanwhile, as Salvatore made his escape, the Watermelon Wolf King was frantically scraping his cauterized posterior upon the tree branch, desperately trying to relieve the excruciating agony that was his burnt rectum.

After several minutes of dragging his ass across practically every rough patch of bark, the Watermelon Wolf King gave up, realizing the futility of his relief efforts. Gritting his jagged teeth in order to suppress the excruciating burning itchiness, his anger surged once more as he thought of the vile pale prey that had been the first creature in its entire life to actually succeed at ruthlessly violating its most sensitive area.

Howling in anguish, the Watermelon Wolf Kings cry echoed throughout the Valleys forest, as it issued a single command to every Watermelon Wolf within ears reach, commanding them all to hunt down the despicable pale prey. Then leaping to its feet, it growled angrily before racing off in pursuit, following the unique scent of the dreadful pale prey as it resumed the hunt.

Meanwhile Salvatore who had fled with all his might had barely manage to reach a familiar dense cluster of trees before he suddenly heard the Watermelon Wolf Kings howl of anguish, causing him to silently chuckle to himself, recalling the sound the Watermelon Wolf King had made when he had penetrated its rectum, before he began to laugh even harder as he suddenly recalled the image of the mighty Watermelon Wolf King frantically scraping its rear.

Overcome by the memory of the incredulously uncharacteristic actions of the Watermelon Wolf King he suddenly stopped, overwhelmed by an uncontrollable bout of boisterous laughter, which surprisingly lasted for several long minutes before he finally managed to stop.

Despite a few occasional lingering guffaws, he continued running, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the Watermelon Wolf King (who was unaware of the entirety of his swift actions) would foolishly appear, and although he would be affected by the purple pastes paralyzing toxins, he would probably be ten times as dangerous.