Loot And More Cunning Running

First, the most notable item was the 12 foot barbed lance he had made which was now dyed red with the Watermelon Wolf Kings blood and covered in pieces of its intestines and organs, next there was a massive pile of bones piled twice as high as him with the Watermelon Wolf Kings massive skull crowning the pile, then there was a pyramid of 1ftxftx1ft cubes of bright red meat stacked even higher than the bone pile while lying next to the meat pyramid was a large square of fur 7ft x 7ft, and finally, glowing with a resplendent golden aura, was the Watermelon Wolf Kings golden watermelon shaped gem with a golden crown emblazoned on it.

Quickly he grabbed the glowing golden gem shoving it into his [Spatial Storage], then he grabbed the large piece of fur and tried to cut it with his new blade, however just like before the attempt only resulted in failure.

Unable to cut the fur up he quickly folded it neatly, before placing it securely in his [Spatial Storage]. Next he grabbed 9 large cubes from the giant pyramid of wolf meat and stuffed them into his [Spatial Storage].

As he stuffed the last cube in he suddenly heard the distinctive "SNAP" of a branch breaking causing him to tense up as his head quickly jerked in the direction of the sound.

Looking up, he discovered a salivating watermelon wolf who seemed to be entranced by the large pyramid of meat. In fact it seemed to be so engrossed by the sheer amount of meat that it was completely oblivious to its surroundings.

Fortunately Salvatore was in a blind spot, hidden behind the large pyramid of meat directly between them. Crouching down, Salvatore slowly backed away, planning to sneak around the Watermelon Wolf and attack it from its rear, unfortunately the ground surrounding him was now littered with countless wooden tree remnants making it a "minefield of detection" so despite his best efforts, as he took a step back his foot accidentally set off a chain of "SNAPS," "CRACKLES" and "POPS".

Suddenly snapping out of its meat-fueled trance, the Watermelon Wolf surprisingly didn't check were the sound had come from, instead it sniffed the air a few times before with a smug toothy grin called for backup, howling loudly into the sky.

"Fanculo!" Salvatore cursed at his amateur mistake as the sound of "SNAP," "CRACKLE" and "POP" reached his ears, then he cursed again as the Watermelon Wolfs howl echoed thru the air, this was the last thing he needed right now.

"These darn watermelon wolves were far too cunning" he thought angrily as he quickly fled once more into the forest toward the Archway, knowing that in a matter of seconds the area would be crawling with Watermelon Wolves as well as any equally strong carnivorous monsters near enough to smell the meat.

Just as he thought, less than 2 minutes had passed before the area he had fled from was filled with the remainder of the Watermelon Wolf pack numbering exactly 37. Strangely enough, despite the large pile of meat the Watermelon Wolves acted like soldiers, following the last order the Watermelon Wolf King had made to hunt its vile pale prey, completely unaware of the fact that the strange pale prey they were hunting had already killed their king in a most gruesome mannerless manner.

Surprisingly this was a trait only the common rank and file Watermelon Wolves had, single-mindedness, which unfortunately was dire news for Salvatore. Pausing to sniff the ground, they quickly found Salvatore's scent, then unleashing a series of hunting howls charged into the woods after him.

Several hundred feet away, Salvatore (who was currently ambulating as fast as he could) heard the series of howls that he so desperately did not want to hear. However, regardless of his wishes, the fact remained that the Watermelon Wolf pack was hot on his heels and would catch up to him in a matter of minutes.

Fully aware that unlike the Watermelon Wolf King, or even the two ELITE's he had cleverly managed to kill, the massive pack of Watermelon Wolves despite being even weaker than the two ELITE's were a far greater challenge simply due to their sheer numbers.

This singular advantage of theirs left Salvatore incapable of achieving victory. Fortunately, he had made some preparation beforehand, he thought mischievously as a devilish grin appeared on his face before changing his direction towards a specific part of the forest he had previously past.