The Cry by the Bank of Green Forest Lake

An enemy! Wang Baole glared at the voice transmission ring. Although that Spirit Kernel Head Prefect had only spoken that one sentence, he effused a tone that left no room for doubt. It made Wang Baole extremely uncomfortable.

Isn't it all because he has a powerful father? What does he matter! What authority do you have to order me around! Wang Baole harrumphed. His mind started working actively, pondering how he could deal with the situation. Unknowingly, he opened up a bag of snacks and was just about to eat when he paused.

No way, I promised that I would lose weight… But the severity of today's incident is just too great, and I need to think properly. Forget it, I'll wait till I solve this problem before I start losing weight. Wang Baole felt that he could not allow himself to be distracted at this point, so he started eating.