Tiny Purple Sword

Wang Baole's life after becoming the only Head Prefect of the Dharmic Armament faculty had become very different. The most obvious difference was that every time he went outside, all the students he encountered, whether they were seniors or freshmen, would treat him extremely respectfully.

The attitudes of the Head Prefects of the other faculties had also greatly changed. They no longer simply sent greetings but took the initiative to visit him, attempting to get closer to Wang Baole.

Wang Baole was very happy to oblige. He knew the value of networking and understood that courtesy demanded reciprocation. So, over the following days, he started to get familiar with all the Head Prefects of the various faculties.

At the same time, after Wang Baole, when it was almost the holidays of their first year, other Head Prefects emerged from Wang Baole's batch of new students. The second to become Head Prefect was Zhao Yameng!