Battle of the Ancient Martial Arts

Li Nan's anger level was through the roof, but there was nothing he could do. Those enhancement pills could not be taken continuously, especially since they all came with side effects.

If the pills were used by people from the other faculties, they would definitely be mocked. Only students from the Alchemy faculty who were using pills that they had personally manufactured was acceptable.

Originally, he had planned to use this pill throughout the match to emerge in the top 1,000. In his previous two matches, he had also been ruthless and fierce in his moves, with the aim of exalting himself. He had thought everything through, planning to defeat Wang Baole and ride on that victory to shoot himself to fame.

He had also prepared himself for failure, but he had thought that any failure would come in the form of Wang Baole physically defeating him. This way, he could argue that Wang Baole had only won due to his physical prowess.