Could There Be a Treasure?

Wang Baole sighed dejectedly again. He was moving extremely slowly and carefully through the Spirit Breath Village under the stone shell, afraid that he would meet Spirit Roots that were more than two inches long again.

He felt that his entire experience in the Spirit Breath Village was too bizarre, and he was troubled and glad at the same time.

What on Earth caused every single Spirit Root to adore me the moment they see me?

The more Wang Baole thought about it, the more he felt that something was amiss. It was either because he was too handsome and lovable, causing the Spirit Roots to fall head over heels for him, or it was something to do with him achieving the Golden Body state. After all, before he utilized his Golden Body, the Spirit Roots had been extremely hostile and violent.

However, he also understood that the underlying reason was no longer important. What was more crucial now was to find a two-inch Spirit Root as soon as possible.