The Emerald Jade Urn

It would not have mattered if Wang Baole himself did not notice the tumbling scene. However, as he charged forward, he passed by a metal wall lining the path that could reflect his image. Zooming ahead, his gaze swept the area, and he stopped in his tracks instantly after noticing his reflection.

I'm still as slim and slender as before, huh?

It was apparent that his idea of 'slimness' differed from others'. Looking at his reflection on the metal wall now, he was full of jubilant emotions as he turned his body around, looking at it from all directions in satisfaction

This water pail is large, making me look fatter than I am. Regardless of that, I'm still so suave.

The number of students from the four major Dao Colleges seemed to have reduced drastically in number, and toward the end, he was alone.