The Mysterious Man

No one cares about my Dharmic Artifacts now, but I will make them something that everyone will desire regardless of how high the price is after the tournament!

Wang Baole looked determined, but he had also been forced to behave this way. The feeling of being completely penniless was difficult for him to get used to, similar to when a wealthy individual was used to living lavishly but was suddenly turned into a pauper overnight.

This feeling forced Wang Baole to think of ways to sell off his Dharmic Artifacts. He slapped his thigh and stood up after taking a deep breath. After walking a few rounds around the cave abode, it became more obvious that he was deep in thought. He stopped in his tracks after analyzing and playing out his plan in his mind, concluding that there should be no major issue.

I'll do it this way! Wang Baole gritted his teeth and took out his voice transmission ring immediately to contact Zhuo Yifan.