Could This Be a Kidney Stone?

As the Dharmic Artifact was spinning at a dizzying speeds in the Dharmic Armament Pavilion cave abode, the order that Wang Baole transmitted to the brain was perfectly activated by the Dharmic Artifact. A momentary explosion resulted in the spirit fat within Wang Baole's unconscious body to visibly disintegrate.

His body gradually recovered. However, the process—compared to normal slimming rates—was indescribably fast. Wang Baole's body also trembled subconsciously.

If seen by others, this would be unnerving. They would not be able to help but be impressed by the fatty's harshness and courage to slim down.

At the same time, in Wang Baole's unconscious state, there was a forbidden zone that was off-limits to those not granted permission to access. It was found on the mountain peak of the Dao Enlightenment Pavilion, located at Upper Academy Island.