The Calm Before the Storm

Zhou Lu's breath froze upon hearing Wang Baole's words. She had expected Wang Baole's denial, but she never would have thought that he would call her a fair lady.

The compliment did nothing for her temper. She snorted. This was not the time for revenge, however. She glared at Wang Baole and turned toward Chen Yutong, rising to her feet and saluting him.

"You must be Senior Brother Chen Yutong. If you may, please let me have the jade missive issued by Ethereal Dao College," Zhou Lu requested; regardless of her military status, a greater degree of courtesy was required for someone like Chen Yutong.

There was his cultivation level to consider as well as his family background. For someone to become a candidate included in the running for the Dharmic Armament Pavilion's Deputy Pavilion Head, his status outside the college would have to be extremely elevated.