Steely Resolve!

With the breaking down of the Fire God Cannons, the stronghold camp was obviously at a disadvantage in both aerial and land battles. They were pushed back steadily and at the verge of defeat.

The watchful beasts surged forward as soon as the cannons broke down. They dashed onto the platforms and towards the warriors standing atop, sparking another round of slaughter!

Mangled flesh littered the ground while blood stained the earth. The clashing sounds of battle drowned out the screams of agony and raging howls, but they didn't need to travel far; clinging onto the wall, Wang Baole could hear every sound and see everything clearly!

He watched the bloodbath on the platforms; his warrior friends were torn apart one after another.

Some of them were tossed into the sky by the beasts, then ripped into pieces by the beast flock.