The Baole Cannon

The sight stunned Wang Baole, sending him into a daze. That was his first time here, and he was shaken by the strangeness of the place. He noticed the silhouette of a cultivator perched on each of the surrounding seven to eight towering pagodas; they were all disciples from the Upper Academy Island who were there seeking advancement in their cultivation.

Lightning flashed, and thunder resounded. The seven to eight people fought back to various degrees. A few withstood the onslaught while others, under the force of the assault, immediately activated the teleportation device and fled the place.

So brutal! Wang Baole's eyelids twitched fiercely. He hesitated, then gritted his teeth. He ignored the people around him and, with a sudden sway of his body, leaped onto one of the nearby pagodas. Standing atop the highest point, he raised his head and looked towards the heavens.