Say Something!

The look on Wang Baole's darkened as he watched the Diamond Ape leave and eventually disappear into the Beast Taming Pavilion. He turned and walked towards his cave abode. The gears in his head started spinning, and his mind overflowed with ideas.

Fling Self-Exploding Beads at the stupid monkey? No, that's too obvious.

Get the mosquitoes to bite it? That's a good one. But if it throws a tantrum and triggers an investigation by the Beast Taming Pavilion, I could easily be exposed as the perpetrator…

Pit it against someone else? Sow discord between it and the Beast Taming Pavilion Elder? The technicalities of executing that seem rather complex… that's not something someone as smart as I am should do.

What should I do… Wang Baole frowned. He recalled the numerous encounters he had when he was young, discarding each idea that he could think of. As he stepped inside the cave abode, his footsteps stilled.