Physical Foundation Establishment

However, many others were still indignant and were struggling hard with resistance. Kong Dao was one of them. He usually appeared withdrawn but was actually an arrogant person. His experiences in the past made him disregard even those who were considered elites of the Federation.

That was until he met Wang Baole… First, the mosquito attack made him itch like never before, and then there were the puppet Numinous Treasures… It was driving him crazy.

A chill appeared in his eyes as he looked at Wang Baole with unhappiness and annoyance. There was another reason for that, as he realized that Wang Baole seemed to be relatively close to Zhuo Yifan and Zhao Yameng.

When he first saw Zhao Yameng, he was surprised… He was someone who never let anyone come close to him emotionally. As the cold look shone from his eyes, Kong Dao took a deep breath and was about to activate his mystic technique…

And at that moment…