The Greatest Truths Are the Simplest

The battleship spanned a ten thousand feet. It flew slowly and cast a forbidding and imposing aura. It was clear that it had been modified before and was fueled by Spirit Stones, and its body was painted in black. The sight of it sent everyone quaking in fear.

As soon as the battleship appeared, the senators' children's pupils contracted. The surrounding observers and the residents of the Ethereal City gasped in shock when they saw the cruiser.

"My god, using a miniature battleship for transport…"

"Who's the one sitting inside…"

Amidst the heated discussion, the battleship gradually slowed to a halt. Zhuo Yixian, dressed in white robes and exuding an air of elegance and charm, walked out with a smile. He was not alone. A dozen other disciples from the White Deer Dao College followed behind him. Li Yi was one of them.