From the Traps Pavilion—Huang Shan!

Few words could describe the scene of someone—who had clearly raised his head high and puffed his chest out but still appeared to be sticking out his tummy—slapping his stomach. Words could hardly describe the indescribable aura that exploded from such a person!

At that instant, Wang Baole felt as if the people before him had all been stunned by his tall, striking figure and the aura of the strong exuding from his person. He stared at their wide-eyed, gaping-mouthed faces and felt extremely pleased.

The little fatty seemed to have forgotten that standing behind him was a wide-mouthed and grinning Diamond Ape emanating waves of violence and ferocity. He lifted his head slightly and coughed.

"Is this where the cruisers are parked?" Wang Baole glanced towards a City Lord Residence guard standing at a corner and asked.