Flying out of Earth

The celestial cruiser was very different from the cruisers roaming the skies on Earth. To put it more accurately, it was more like a battleship that was over a hundred feet long. At that moment, it was parked in an aerial port specially constructed for it. Looking from afar, it was like a huge sword that was extremely impressive.

At the same time, loud bangs akin to thunder emerged continuously from within the battleship. The disciples from the Upper Academy Island who didn't apply to go to the moon all stepped out after hearing the noise. As they looked at the battleship, they felt a torrent of emotions.

The sound was produced as a result of its propulsion. It sounded like a ferocious beast howling. The people who had arrived after receiving the notice were all taken aback by it.

It was only after they boarded the battleship and stood on the deck that they had managed to calm down.