A Battle for the Tripod Cauldron!

In an instant, the figurine shuddered violently and, before being drowned by the red sea, erupted and exploded. It strengthened the power of the surrounding winds multiple folds and was on the verge of drawing the small tripod cauldron away.

It didn't succeed, however. The crimson sea seemed to possess a strange power that dispelled all spells. Despite the figurine's self-combustion spurring stronger winds, it seemed to have made little difference.

Chen Hui could only watch on, unwillingly and helplessly, as the tornado was dispelled, and the small tripod cauldron hovering in mid-air was drawn back and under the red sea.

She knew she had no chance of snatching away the small tripod cauldron that could be used for one's Foundation Establishment core. A stranger may not know what the red sea was, but she had vaguely read about it in their sect library. She knew how terrifying it truly was. She bit her lip and decided to give up and leave.