Everyone With a Trick up Their Sleeves!

As the different political factions stood in a face-off against one another, Wang Baole hid in the tunnel. His pupils had contracted suddenly. After his cultivation had reached the Foundation Establishment realm, his mosquitoes had gained considerable resilience. They might not rival a Foundation Establishment realm cultivator, but they weren't mere ants that could be destroyed with a single glance.

A mere glance from the youth in crimson robes, however, had turned all nine of his mosquitoes to dust instantly. This meant that the youth's power had reached stupendous levels.

The Sect Lord of the Galactic Dusk Sect… Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and frowned. He kept his distance and pulled out a handful of Mystic Trace Beads. He was reluctant to simply leave. He released nine mosquitoes again and commanded them to fly ahead.