The Story of the Battle-axe Hotel

You look down on me and still dare to step into my hotel! You're going too far! Wang Baole hmphed and walked towards the lobby of the Battle-axe Hotel.

The lobby was extremely spacious. Although it couldn't be considered the best hotel in the Mars Colony, it could be seen as a reputable time-honored brand. Its interior design was extremely lavish, and it felt like a themed arena. Every attendant, regardless of gender, was in a jumpsuit. With one look, you could tell that they weren't ordinary people. In fact, all of them were at the Ancient Martial Arts realm.

Straight through the lobby was a check-in counter. There were sofas in front of the counter and at the four corners of the lobby for customers to rest on.

Other than that, the hotel also had statues and specimens of beasts within it. This made the Battle-axe Hotel seem slightly ominous.