Trying to Seduce Me?

She's crazy! Inside the Dao Mountain Mist Academy, Wang Baole ended the transmission abruptly. Li Yi's sudden request for reconciliation smelled fishy. Even an idiot could tell something was wrong.

They all say that those with big breasts have no brains. Li Yi's breasts aren't big at all, so why is it that she also lacks a brain? Wang Baole snorted. He thought himself smarter than her. There was no way her sudden kindness was for nothing. Those who were friendly without reason all turned out to be robbers and rapists!

That can't be right. Is this Li Yi trying to… Wang Baole's mind was fixated on the image of robbers and rapists. Alarm bells immediately sounded in his head. He took a look at himself in the mirror, and his alarm grew. Li Yi must be lusting after him because of his good looks!